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Top 10 Diets for Quick Weight Loss

3 Day Diet, Low Calorie Snacks on the Go

What are the top 10 diets for quick weight loss? Quick weight loss is not for everyone, and should only be used by those who actually weigh more than the high end of their ideal weight range, are otherwise healthy, and are simply looking for quick and temporary weight loss. These top 10 diets for quick weight loss are intended to be for quick and temporary weight loss. Anyone seeking to lose weight permanently needs to make more of a commitment to a lifestyle change, and not just seek out quick weight-loss diets.

Disclaimer: None of these quick weight-loss diets are intended for anyone within the established weight guidelines for the age and gender, they are not intended for anyone under 18, and they are not intended for any pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, or anyone suffering from a disease or is in overall poor health.

In general, the best way to lose weight in the short term, and the long term is to exert more calories than you consume. Some of these diets may make it easier for dieters to jump start a weight loss plan or fitness regimen. Others may feel restricted and deprived with these very limiting diet plans, and may end up discouraged to continue on with a healthy lifestyle.

Top 10 Diets for Quick Weight Loss

3-Day Diet
*Good for Quick, Temporary Weight Loss*

Claim of the 3-Day Diet: Lose 10 pounds in three days
Why the 3-Day Diet is Popular: It has been around since the ’80s and has good word of mouth.
The 3-Day Diet Diet is Ideal for: Anyone who can follow a three day meal plan without straying from it.
The 3-Day Diet Diet is Not Ideal for: Long-term weight loss.
Potential Side Effects: Weakness and hunger, followed by irritability (because of the hunger)
How to Get Started with 3-Day Diet: Find a copy of the three-day diet plan menu online
How to Stick With the 3-Day Diet: This fad diet is not intended for long-term use. It is simply a low-fat, three-day meal plan intended for temporary weight loss.
Source: Find a 3-Day Diet meal plan at Everydaydiet.org

5-Day Miracle Diet
*Good for Learning to Re-adjust your Eating Habits and Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels*

Claim of the 5-Day Miracle Diet: “Pounds will fall off by themselves”
The 5-Day Miracle Diet is Ideal for: Controlling appetite, cravings and blood sugar levels (for non-diabetics)
The 5-Day Miracle Diet is Not Ideal for: : Anyone who wants to lose weight for life.
Potential Side Effects of the 5-Day Miracle Diet: Dieters may be mislead by the name of this diet.
How to Get Started with the 5-Day Miracle Diet: Check out the related book: 5-Day Miracle Diet by Adele Puhn.
How to Stick With the 5-Day Miracle Diet: This diet is not recommended for long-term weight loss.

See also  Top 10 Diets for Quick Weight Loss: From Grapefruit to Lemonade to Water

7-Day Diet
*Good for Losing Weight Before a Big Event*

Claim of the 7-Day Diet: Lose five to 11 pounds in seven days
The 7-Day Diet is Ideal for: Anyone looking for a week of detoxing their body.
The 7-Day Diet is Not Ideal for: Dieters looking to lose weight for the long term.
Potential Side Effects of the 7-Day Diet: It would be easy to under eat or over eat on this diet, which only lists food types, not portions, and seems to be one-size-fits all diet plan.
How to Get Started with the 7-Day Diet: Check the list of foods, make a grocery list, and go shopping.
How to Stick With the 7-Day Diet: This diet is meant for the short-term, not for long-term weight loss.
Source: Mysevendaydiet.com

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
*Good for Switching to a Low-Calorie Diet*

Claim: Lose weight.
The Diet is Ideal for: Nobody. Although versions of the vinegar diet have been around since 1820 (American Dietetic Association), there is no proof that apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss.
Potential Side Effects: The vinegar can be harsh on your stomach.
How to Get Started with Diet: Find a related book on the apple cider vinegar diet and follow the low-calorie diet that usually accompanies the instructions. If you switch from your current unhealthy habits to a low-calorie regimen, you will lose weight, without the apple cider vinegar.

Cabbage Soup Diet
*Good for Losing Weight Before a Big Event*

Cabbage Soup Diet Claim: Lose 10 pounds in seven days
The Cabbage Soup Diet is Ideal for: Losing weight before a life event or as a temporary low-fat diet plan to shed excess fat gained from holiday or other overeating.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is Not Ideal for: Any dieter who suffers from IBS, or anyone looking for long-term weight loss
Potential Side Effects of the Cabbage Soup Diet: After eating cabbage and so many vegetables, without much else for a week, you may develop a distaste for these normally healthy foods. Because the diet is so low in calories and high in fiber, you could be hungry for the entire week you are on the Cabbage Soup Diet.
How to Get Started with the Cabbage Soup Diet: Find an easy Cabbage Soup Diet recipe online and make your soup, and get started eating your veggies.
Sticking to the Cabbage Soup Diet: Keep telling yourself it’s only for a week.

See also  The 3 Day Diet

Celebrity Hoodia Diet Two Day Juice Fast
*Good for Fast Weight Loss Before a Big Event*

Claim: Lose 10 Pounds in two days
The Celebrity Hoodia Diet is Ideal for : Quick, temporary weight loss.
The Celebrity Hoodia Diet is Not Ideal for: Diabetics, or anyone looking for a long term diet.
Potential Side Effects: Hunger from not eating real food. Liquid does not satisfy the appetite the same way solid foods do. Also, without food, the fuel for the body, dieters may feel weak and lack energy.
How to Get Started with Celebrity Hoodia Diet: Plan to start the fasting two days before the event.
How to Stick With the Celebrity Hoodia Diet: This diet plan is intended as a temporary weight loss product.

Eat Like A Caveman Diet
*Good for Natural Weight Loss*

Claim: Quick weight loss
The Diet is Ideal for: Anyone looking to decrease the amount of processed food in their diet. While it may be very difficult to follow this diet to the letter, cutting out processed foods, including sugars, many carbohydrates, and even dairy, is one way to lose weight quickly. This eating style is too restrictive to be sustained over time for most people, though.
The Diet is Not Ideal for: Dieters who don’t want to restrict the types of foods they eat. It is also not ideal for vegetarians or vegans, since the diet restricts beans and legumes.
Potential Side Effects: The cost may be high if you try to find only organic foods, grass-fed animals by sticking to the diet exactly. If you don’t eat the right green leafy vegetables, you will be lacking in calcium.
How to Get Started with Diet: Or find a copy of any of the books about this diet, including NeanderThin: Eat Like a Caveman to Achieve a Lean, Strong, Healthy Body, or The Paleo Diet:
How to Stick With the Diet: You will need to first deal with the inevitable withdrawal symptoms from daily sugar, processed carbohydrates, and caffeine.
Source: Thepaleodiet.com

Grapefruit Diet Plan
*Fast Weight Loss with a Low-Calorie Plan*

Claim of the Grapefruit Diet Plan: Lose 10 pounds in 12 days
The Grapefruit Diet Plan is Ideal for: Fast, temporary weight loss by dieters who are overweight.
The Grapefruit Diet Plan is Not Ideal for: Anyone in the correct weight range.
Potential Side Effects: The calorie intake in this diet is one-size fits all, and most people will be under-eating to the point that they will have no energy. Anyone with a stomach that is sensitive to acidic foods will not be able to live comfortably eating so much grapefruit.
How to Get Started with the Grapefruit Diet Plan: The benefits from this diet come from the addition of grapefruit to a low-fat and low-calorie diet.
How to Stick With the Grapefruit Diet: While the restrictive Grapefruit Diet Plan itself may be used for temporary and quick weight loss, it should not be followed for long periods of time. You can continue to keep grapefruits in your daily diet, however.
Sources:Grapefruit-diet-plan.org, WebMd.com

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Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss
*Good for fast weight loss and eliminating emotional eating*

Claim: Lose 11 pounds in two weeks
The Diet is Ideal for: Emotional eaters, anyone who cannot say no to sweets, lifetime dieters who are open to hypnosis
The Diet is Not Ideal for: Dieters who don’t believe in hypnotherapy, or cannot be hypnotized
Potential Side Effects: This can be an emotional process that will bring up deep issues related to why people are overeating.
How to Get Started with Diet: Find a hypnotherapist in your area, or purchase a hypnotherapy CD program (or borrow one from the library)
How to Stick With the Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Program: Follow the instructions of the program, by listening or re-listening to the CDs as instructed. When seeing a hypnotherapist, do not skip appointments.

Negative Calorie Diet
*Good only as a reference for adding health vegetables to a diet*

Claim: The thought process behind the Negative Calorie Diet is that there are some vegetables which take more calories to chew and digest than they contain, hence the “negative calories.
The Diet is Ideal for: Finding a list of healthy vegetables to add to your everyday diet. It should not be the only meal plan for any diet.
The Diet is Not Ideal for: Everyone. This is not a healthy or balanced diet, if you only eat the foods listed on the “Negative Calorie Diet” lists.
Potential Side Effects: If you only eat these vegetables, you will be missing out on protein and iron which are essential for good health. Without any carbohydrates at all, your energy will be low.


American Dietetic Association
