Articles for tag: Crash Diets, Hamburger Patties, Negative Calorie Foods

Crashing the Sacred Heart Diet

Crash Diets in General Crash diets are dangerous…in general. They are dangerous because people do not pay attention to the warnings/context of a diet trend. They proceed and fall victim to the fine print. Crash diets are not meant to be maintained: Most crash diets have a time limit, from a few days to a ...

Karla News

The Five Fastest Fat Burning Foods

Fat burning foods are foods that work to help you lose weight. For example, let’s say you eat a cup of pudding for dessert and it contains 100 calories. Your body may only burn off 25 calories and you will have 75 calories just sitting there waiting to be converted into fat. Fat burning foods ...

Karla News

What are Negative Calories?

I first read the term “negative calorie” when I was researching a Pro-Anorexia website. These websites have listed these negative calorie foods for years. Recently, the idea of negative calories have hit the mainstream diet crowd. There is even a “Negative Calorie Diet.” With all this hype, is there such a thing as a negative ...

Karla News

What Are Negative Calorie Foods?

Negative Calorie Foods are Not Foods That Have Less Then Zero Calories Actually, negative calorie foods do have calories. The reason that certain foods are considered negative calories is because it takes more calories for your body to break them down. Thus you are burning more calories then you just took in. Celery is one ...