Articles for category: Legal

Karla News

How to Use Copyrighted Music Legally

Free copyright music is often mistaken with free public domain music or music in which the copyright has expired. A copyright is in place for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. If more than one songwriter has authored the music, then the copyright will be in effect for 70 years after the death ...

Karla News

Exclusionary Rule Policy

Exclusionary Rule Policy Within this document an in-depth evaluation of the Exclusionary Rule will be presented. This includes the exclusionary rule’s underlying principles, purpose, four basic exceptions to the exclusionary rule, such as independent source, inevitable discovery, attenuation, and the good faith exception. In addition, major benefits and disadvantages will be discussed including alternative solutions, ...

Karla News

Oh, Those Strange Delaware Laws

In Lewes, Delaware, it is illegal to wear pants that are “firm fitting” around the waist. In South Bethany, the law requires those walking a dog to carry a bag with them everywhere they go, in case their dog poops. Anyone who violates the law may be fined $100. Welcome to the strange world of ...

Karla News

Do You Know About the Innocence Project?

By now most of you know that my latest writing projects are centered around the macabre, the weird, criminal activity and helpful information that will assist people in any phase of life. Some of you may remember the article I wrote about why executions were traditionally carried out at night and others might remember the ...

Karla News

Become a Police Officer in Ohio

Ever want to start an exciting career in law enforcement? Many young children dream of one day becoming a police officer. Check out how you can become a police officer in Ohio and protect your community on a daily basis. A career in law enforcement in very rewarding and offers many great benefits. The state ...

Karla News

Driving to Canada: What is Needed to Cross the Border into Canada

Americans have been traveling en masse to Canada for generations. Our neighbors to the North provide a viable respite for the typical United States hustle and bustle. Although Canada is noted for its relatively sparse population density, outdoorsman ship, and natural beauty, the enormous nation also offers cosmopolitan civic centers at Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. ...

Karla News

7 Ways to Have Patience With Someone You Dislike

We all have come across people that we just don’t “click” with. Maybe it is someone that is in your very own family. Such as, the sister-in-law that has the “better” car or the “smarter” children to the ” very obnoxious” co-worker that you have to deal with every day. Could be, you have a ...

Karla News

The Felony Process in Missouri

If you’ve been charged with a felony in Missouri, the court process can be very confusing. This article lays out the steps that the case takes and what happens at each step. The timing of the steps may vary slightly from judicial circuit to judicial circuit. A felony case in Missouri is triggered by the ...

Karla News

Facts and Statistics on Affirmative Action in America

The writer Mary Anne Warren is focusing on describing the current practices in many organizations today in regards to the implementing a goal vs. a quota system for the purposes of affirmative action. She defines a quota as “Those who use the term “quotas” pejoratively tend to assume that the numerical standards will be set ...

Karla News

Defensive Driving Schools in San Antonio, Texas

Drivers in San Antonio, Texas who have received a moving violation may be able to take a course at Defensive Driving School. All they have to do is request permission from the court presiding over the violation that they received. If the court agrees to allow them to take the course, they will be receiving ...