Articles for category: Opinion and Editorial

The Future of Affirmative Action: A Look at Unfair Equal Employment Opportunities and Other Biases

The country’s politicians finally realized that blacks and women were unfairly kept from equal employment opportunities (among many other biases). So, Congress undertook civil rights legislation beginning in 1964. One Act in 1964 was not enough, so President Johnson produced an executive order in 1965 which was designed to be a sort of amendment to ...

Hysteria and the Absence of Intelligent Discourse

Visit me at: The mouth frothing hysteria in the American political discourse really kicked into high gear when the Oklahoma bombing ripped a chunk into the lives of many; irresponsible, empty headed broadcasters began lamenting the ‘Arabs’ and ‘the Muslims’ and there was much gnashing of teeth and fire and brimstone among average Americans. ...

Vermont and Minnesota Digitizing Old Survey Maps

Minnesota Historical Society has long been a recognized leader in making history accessible to the public. Other states are also stepping up to meet the challenge. Vermont announced on November 25, 2007, that it would make many 18th Century maps available in digital format from the state archives. Picture men in woolen clothing hauling heavy ...

Animal Abuse: We Must Stop It – Now!

Animals can be such a joy to have around. It is said that they can actually lower blood pressure, help people live longer and happier lives, and be an all-around enjoyment. Most animals actually become a member of the family, and people go to great lengths to take care of their pets. So then why ...

Blacks and Religion in the United States

When black slaves arrived from Africa, they were not Christian. Today, American African-Americans may well be among the most fervent Christians in the United States. The charismatic leaders of Black American Christians- from Frederick Douglass and Thurgood Marshall (who preached but where not ordained ministers) to Martin Luther Kind, Ralph Abernathy and Jesse Jackson, among ...

How to Use Cha Cha

Yes the internet is a wonderful thing. You can find the answers to pretty much any question with just a few key strokes. It is an awesome thing, but what about when you aren’t at a computer, or that fabulous Smartphone of yours does have data service at the moment? If you find yourself looking ...

The History of Grenade

Abstract During the last century the United States has been involved in many conflicts. Military forces were searching for new ways to obtain an edge over the opponents. Governments also increased military funding during wartime. Increased funding and need to acquire deadlier weapons, than the opponent, drove military research during this time period. During this ...

The Great Rescuers of the Swiss Alps, St. Bernards

In 980 AD a monk named Bernard de Menthon established a hospice way up in the thin air and snowy geography of the Swiss Alps. Although the timeline of exactly when those lovable rescuers known as the St. Bernard dog breed actually became a mainstay of de Menthon’s hospice remains in dispute, what cannot be ...