Articles for tag: Facial Masks, Facials, Homemade Facial Masks, Pregnant Women

Karla News

A Guide to Making the Best Homemade Facial Masks for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women love to be pampered and there is no better and cheaper way to be pampered than with a homemade facial. Homemade facials can often be made with household ingredients that everyone has in the cabinets. Quick and easy homemade facial masks are a great way for pregnant women to pamper themselves–even on a ...

Unsafe Foods for Pregnant Women

Many women go through different cravings during pregnancy and usually are at the luxury to enjoy those cravings in moderation. While most foods are okay to eat there are certain foods that pregnant women should avoid. Here is a look at some of those foods and why they could be harmful to the expectant mother ...

How Will Ehler Danlos Affect My Pregnancy?

Ehler Danlos syndrome, more commonly referred to as Ehlers Danlos syndrome, is a connective tissue disorder that varies in severity. In mild cases, joint dislocation is common but few other symptoms are presented. Severe cases of Ehler Danlos syndrome can be characterized with heart problems and death. During pregnancy, connective tissue is forced to hold ...

Why Pregnant Women Should Own a Snoogle Body Pillow

The marvels of modern technology have created the Internet, the vacuum robot, electric cars and self-cleaning ovens, but one of the most amazing developments is the Snoogle body pillow for pregnant women. If you’ve ever been pregnant, then you know how difficult it can be to find a comfortable position, whether sitting, laying down or ...

Pregnancy: The Nesting Syndrome

Women everywhere who have been pregnant have felt the nesting syndrome take over their body. The nesting syndrome can happen anytime during a pregnancy but often happens between the 5th and 9th month of gestation. It is a primal instinct but many pregnant women may look a little crazy when they get swept up in ...

Karla News

Common Complaints and Home Remedies of Pregnancy

As joyful as being pregnant can be for a woman there are obvious complaints that go along with the thrills of growing a human inside your body. The common complaints of pregnancy happen because a woman’s body stretches to accommodate the growing fetus, changes to support the pregnancy and increases in girth as the pregnancy ...

9 Signs You Might Be Pregnant

Are you in a committed relationship and trying to get pregnant? Do you think you or a loved one might be pregnant but don’t know for sure? Are you looking for information on the most common symptoms of pregnancy? As someone who has gone through a pregnancy with a spouse, I feel it’s important to ...

Karla News

Understanding Low Amniotic Fluid Levels

Low amniotic fluid, or oligohydramnios, is a condition characterized by the amniotic fluid level surrounding your baby being too low. Your doctor can determine if this condition is present through deep pocket measurements or amniotic fluid index. This condition would be expected if the fluid level is less than five centimeters, fluid volume is less ...