Articles for tag: Diet Foods, Mufa Diet Recipes

Flat Belly Diet Foods

Flat Belly Diet foods list contains some of the foods we eat on a daily basis. That is why this is a diet most people can stick to. Here is a list of the Flat Belly Diet foods, and way to use them for this new diet highly recommended by Prevention Magazine. Flat Belly Oils ...

My 3 Favorite Mufa Diet Recipes

With summer farmer’s markets opening up and gardens beginning to bear their early fruits of fresh spinach, lettuce and green onions, it’s easy to combine these fresh fruits and vegetables with Mufa recommended foods to create your own unique recipes. It’s all in how you combine them to stay within that 400 calories a meal ...

Does the Sassy Water Diet Really Work?

The Sassy Water diet was developed by the nutrition director and editors of Prevention magazine as part of their Flat Belly Diet program. This diet is designed to spur weight loss and flush the system of toxins with a four-day jumpstart plan. The first four days involve drinking one full recipe of ‘Sassy Water’, a ...

MUFA Recipes for Summer Meals

Here are some wonderful summer MUFA diet recipes to lightly and tastily cool down dinnertime in the heat. Avocado Dressing Dip This is both a dressing and a dip and combines the wonderful taste of the avocado and oil for a delightful mellow taste. Although avocados have a short shelf life at times, this dressing ...