Articles for tag: 1920's, Economic Issues, The Great Depression

Karla News

Celebrities of the 1920s

Who were the Britney Spears’, Robert De Neros, and Michael Jordans of the 1920’s? The stars of yesterday, forgotten today. You may not have heard of them all, but you may be surprised about how much you really do know about the 1920’s. These years were the rise of what we now know as,”super-stars.” At ...

Karla News

History of Broadway: 1920 to 1929

Throughout its history, Broadway theater has been heavily influenced by the world around it. And the “Roaring Twenties,” a decade of great social, political, and cultural change, had much to offer. During this decade, Broadway took its cues from everything from World War I to Prohibition to its theatrical cousin, Vaudeville. It was in this ...

Karla News

1920’s Entertainment VS. Today’s Entertainment

Many people might look back at the 1920’s as being a time very different from the time we live in today. Clothes, jobs, the economy, and society beliefs were all very different nearly one hundred years ago. But the 1920’s were rich in entertainment. While that entertainment may have been very different, many aspects have ...

Karla News

1920s Wedding Cocktails

When planning a 1920s theme wedding, it is important not to forget to choose drinks and cocktails that are representative of the Prohibition time period. The Mint Julep is a drink that began in the 1800s, but F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book “The Great Gatsby, made the drink popular in 1925. Ingredients 1/2 oz. of Bourbon ...

Women’s Fashion: The 1920’s

The 1920’s was a very elegant and fresh start for the fashion world, especially women. The were free of the long skirts and high neck blouses and could start to wear loose clothing, even shorter skirts. It was much noted as a liberation front for women and they showed it with much ease. There were ...

Karla News

The Revolution in American Literature in the 1920s

Along with the death of innocence occasioned by what was then heartbreakingly referred to as the War to End All Wars, the gentility of American fiction passed out of fashion by the 1920s. Those elegant writers of elegant stories like Henry James and Edith Wharton were either dead or on their way to being out ...

Chicago: A Costuming Look at a Period Film

The movie reviewed is the 2002 movie/musical Chicago starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellwegger and Richard Gere. This movie takes place in the 1920’s in metropolitan Chicago. Zelwegger’s character Roxie Hart is a wannabe entertainer who envies Jones’ character Velma Kelly, who is already a popular entertainer who does an act with her sister. Roxie is ...

Karla News

Hollywood Landmarks: Hollywood and Vine

The intersection of Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles so embodies the myth of the Hollywood Dream, some believe the surrounding buildings are haunted by ghosts of Hollywood’s past. Over the years it has been home to a number of iconic landmarks, including restaurants, theaters and production studios in which many of our most beloved ...

Karla News

Wedding Drinks of the 1920s

Roaring flappers, the explosion of Jazz and the complexity and elegance of Art Decco marked the decade known as the 1920s. Wedded bliss increased as prosperity and female style evolved and not even Prohibition (the Amendment that outlawed the selling and distribution of alcohol) could squelch the number of creative cocktails that found their way ...