Articles for tag: Detoxing, National Institutes of Health, Withdrawal Symptoms

Karla News

How to Kick a Heroin Habit at Home

While there are a plethora of treatment programs that heroin addicts can attend to help them detox from heroin, many forgo the process because they’ve tried it before with little success or they don’t have the resources to go into treatment. Others prefer the solitary experience because they don’t want others to know about their ...

Karla News

Social Media Addiction: Symptoms and Treatment

Social media has impacted the world in positive ways and negative ways. Social media addiction is the latest type of addiction that mental health professionals are seeing in their patients. This is not just a problem seen in the affluent West. Doctors in countries such as Indonesia are seeing people who require social media addiction ...

Karla News

Drug Addiction: The Signs and Withdrawal Symptoms

Drug addiction is very common in our society and it crosses all races, ethnic groups, and social classes. Suburban, middle class people are using more and more illicit drug use and the signs of drug addiction may not be widely recognized or known in these communities. There are a number of different signs and symptoms ...

Karla News

Food Addiction: Is it Hunger or Withdrawal?

The same withdrawal symptoms that you might have from any other addiction are just as present with those who have a food addiction. Those symptoms include anything from insomnia, to the jitters, to mood swings, and more. The difference between food addiction and other addictions is that you can’t just cut food from your life. ...

Karla News

Lamictal Withdrawal Symptoms: Stopping Too Soon

I have been on Lamictal for nearly three months. I was prescribed Lamictal to treat my Bipolar disorder. I upped my dosage of Lamictal to 200 milligrams and have recently stopped taking Lamictal altogether. I stopped taking Lamictal because of the chronic migraines and all day fatigue the drug caused. Unfortunately, the Lamictal withdrawal symptoms ...

Karla News

Natural Treatment of Withdrawal Symptoms

There is no single more difficult medical problem than having to go through withdrawal from a physically addicting drug. Whether the drug is prescribed or an illegal psychotropic, whether it is orally ingested, snorted, or injected, whether it has been one year or ten, stopping the use of a physically addicting substance will prove to ...

Karla News

How I Kicked My Soda (Caffeine) Addiction

Kicking any type of addiction, whether it is caffeine, overspending or speeding in traffic, can be a pain. But in the end, doing so can be beneficial if you are successful. My own personal struggle for many years was caffeine, more directly, soda. I got the common headache if I went so many hours without ...

Methadone: Medical Detox for Heroin Addiction

Heroin is an illegal Schedule I narcotic, placing it in the group of the most highly addictive drugs available on the streets. There are many methods of using heroine, including: snorting, smoking, swallowing or injecting. Heroin is one of the few drugs known to sometimes cause an instant physical addiction in the brain. Withdrawing from ...

Cymbalta Withdrawal Symptoms Being Kept Secret

I started on Cymbalta for anxiety and depression about 2 years ago. After having been on this antidepressant for a while it was decided by myself and my doctor that it was time to try living life again without an antidepressant. Simple right? Not so. I was told by my psychiatrist that I would need ...

Alcohol Withdrawal; What to Expect

For many, the decision to discontinue consumption of alcohol is the easiest part of the anticipated long journey through alcohol recovery. For those seeking to discontinue alcohol consumption, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, understanding the path to recovery, understanding the alcohol withdrawal symptom processes and seeking the appropriate medical support team will be vital in the ...