Articles for category: Nonprofit Information

What is a Minister of Peace?

I studied for a ministry career for nearly 20 years, but when it came time to be ordained I was denied that right, due to one slight small technicality: I was born female. I was allowed to study with the men, but I was not allowed to preach the gospel with them. It was several ...

Volunteer Opportunities in Portland, Oregon

Volunteering is a great way to connect with your community and feel involved. It’s a way to make a difference and even learn new skills or make professional contacts. Volunteering has even been shown to reduce stress. According to some research, it creates a sense of well-being, much in the same way exercise or meditation ...

Volunteer Opportunities in Santa Clarita, California

Volunteering can open many doors for an individual. You can learn new skills that you could apply to future jobs. If you’ve been feeling a little lonely, then maybe you should try your hand at volunteering. Volunteering allows you to help your community, plus you’ll be meeting new people and any one of them could ...

Quick and Easy Fund Raising Ideas

When first choosing a way to raise money for charity think about the time you have available to spend on this project. Take into consideration the amount of man power you will need to carry out a fund raiser successfully. . These quick fundraising ideas will raise money with very little time and effort in ...

Volunteer Opportunities in Long Beach, California

If you’ve found yourself with free time on your hands or are wanting to make a difference in your community, then volunteering may be something you want to think about. There are many non profit organizations in your area that are looking for volunteers to help their organization run smoothly. Not only is volunteering good ...

How to Resign From a Volunteer Position

No one tells us that volunteering doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment. We may have taken on a volunteer project or job because of a genuine passion and concern we feel for a cause and, even though we know the time has come to move on, the guilt over abandoning our post can be ...

Volunteer Opportunities in Sunnyvale, California

Everyone hopes that they will never have a disaster or hard time hit them but unfortunately many of us do. It is at these times we seek help from a local non profit organization. These organizations are mainly staffed by volunteers. So by volunteering at one of these organizations, you could be someone’s beacon of ...

Where to Volunteer in Portland, Maine

Volunteering is not only good for your community but its good for you too. It lets you connect with other people, help out in a non monetary way (which is good if you have no money to give) and can give you valuable life experience. If you want to volunteer in Portland, Maine it can ...