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Metabolism Stimulating Techniques

Fasting for Weight Loss, Metabolism

We’ve all heard it; the best way to lose weight is by stimulating your metabolism. That answer is all well and good, but how exactly can we do it? How exactly can we increase our metabolic rate and enhance weight loss?

First, you need to understand exactly what metabolism is in order to know what is going to be effective and what is not. Metabolism is the rate at which one’s body processes energy, or burns calories. (Calkins, n.d). That means the higher ones metabolism is, the more calories will be burnt at any given time. It’s the reason we see some people eating whatever they like and still remaining as thin as a little stick. They have great metabolism. Still, I wouldn’t recommend eating whatever you like even if you have a good metabolic rate, health wise, it still will end up doing damage. But on to other things…

There are a number of factors that affect your personal metabolism. They are the reasons why no ones metabolism is the same, but why families tend to have similar metabolic rates. Genes, age, sex, food intake, activity levels, and body composition all influence one’s metabolism. (Calkins, n.d). While there aren’t really foods that stimulate your metabolism to work faster, eating a well balanced diet can aid in keeping your health and limiting the amount of fats your body needs to break down. If you eat too much that your body can’t use it’ll be stored, and then it is up to your metabolism to use. Your metabolism is what will burn the fats you’ve stored and turn it into energy while you are at rest, or any other non active activity. So now, how can you stimulate that metabolism of yours to help you burn those stored fats while working at the office or having a good night’s sleep?

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1. Limit stress. This means deal with problems and stressors as they arise. Stress is a well known factor in causing your body to store fat instead of burn it. This is due to stress hormones that you really have no control over. Thus, controlling stress is the only way to really keep that stress hormone in check).

2. Avoid skipping meals or fasting for weight loss purposes. This sort of practice causes the body to store fats instead of use them. Since you’re not providing your body with the nutrients it needs, it has to look out for itself, so it will store the nutrients and slow the metabolism to be able to survive longer. Our bodies are really amazing in the way they regulate themselves, aren’t they?

3. Increase your daily activity. Kids maintain a nice high activity level so their metabolism is through the roof. They eat like there is no tomorrow and hardly gain an ounce. Well, the principle for you has to be the same. While you can’t spend your days running around the playground or playing kick ball, you can get as much extra exercise out of the day as possible. How about walking to the next bus stop instead of taking the only close by? Park further from the office or grocery store so you have to walk a ways to get there. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the kids to the park and play a game with them. Anything to move just a little more than you do now. The extra activity will help your metabolism and your health.

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4. Build muscle. Muscle is known to burn calories, so the more you have the more calories you’ll burn. If you don’t have a lot of time to go to the gym and do proper weight training, try getting weights you can strap on your arms and legs while you go for a walk. These can help you build extra muscle without having to spend a lot of time you don’t have at the gym. If you have access and time to go to the gym, set up a weekly regimen of weight exercises to help you build your muscle mass.

5. Drink water. Many people tote around drinks during the day, and many of those drinks aren’t water. But think about it, you’re just adding calories you may not be active enough to burn. Drink water instead so that you’re only taking in calories when eating. Additionally, thirst is sometimes masked as hunger. We feel we have to eat every time we’re simply thirsty. Try drinking something first next time you feel hungry, it might just be the key to curbing unnecessary snacking.

Remember, fad diets and quick fixes aren’t going to help in the long run. In order to maintain a healthy life you need to eat healthy and remain active. These things alone will stimulate your metabolism to work for you and you won’t really have to add anything drastic to your day. Follow the above guidelines and stimulate your metabolism to work for you even while you’re sleeping.


Calkins, B. (n.d). 10 Ways to Rev Up The Metabolism. Retrieved March 19, 2007, from Health Style Fitness Website: http://www.briancalkins.com/Top10Metabolismboosters.htm

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Whitman, S. (2003). The Truth About Metabolism. Retrieved March 19, 2007, from Find Articles Website: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0846/is_1_23/ai_107488078/pg_1

Sorgen, C. (2007). Rev Up Your Metabolism. Retrieved March 19, 2007. from WebMD Website: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/rev-up-your-metabolism