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Portion Control Diet: Mini Size Me

Eating Clean, Healthy Soups, Jackie Warner, Portion Control, Rice Diet

A portion control diet can backfire if you have not committed to making healthier eating choices. With so many mini size products on the market including the mini size Blizzard and Weight Watchers treats, it’s easy to think you can shed pounds with small portions.

But it’s more about what you put on your portion control plate and ladle into your in your portion control bowls that make the difference.

Here are four portion control tips for a mini size me:

No. 1: Be skeptical of mini desserts at restaurants. Ask for the sugar and calorie count or look it up on the Internet. It’s better to follow the three bite rule for desserts. As an example, the mini desserts at Mimi’s Café are not a wise way to end a meal. The Mimi’s Café “petite treat” triple chocolate brownie has 571 and 69 grams of sugar. Their petite apple cinnamon crisp has 318 calories and 39 grams of sugar.

No. 2: When using portion control plates, it’s important to still eat clean. Choose brown rice as opposed to a store-bought white rice mixture with MSG and additives. Fill up the largest spot with salad greens or green vegetables. Include a lean protein that has been broiled, baked or grilled as opposed to fried. The top priority should be nutrition. Avoid junk food when trying to lose weight.

No. 3: Think about the sugar content. Even though a mini size Blizzard at Dairy Queen sounds temping, it’s still loaded with sugar. A mini size Blizzard is half the size of the small size with about 7 ounces. The Dairy Queen Oreo Brownie EarthQuake mini Blizzard has 430 calories and 50 grams of sugar. The Georgia Mud Fudge has 410 calories and 41 grams of sugar. The DQ Cookie Jar blizzard with hot fudge and Oreo cookies has 420 calories and 46 grams of sugar. The DQ banana split mini Blizzard has 290 calories and 41 grams of sugar. Sugar does not curb hunger and can actually make you hungrier and overeat which is death for a calorie controlled diet.

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No. 4: Do include known natural weight loss aids to your small portion diet. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine found overweight people who included an 8-ounce serving of low-sodium vegetable juice lost on average 4 pounds in 12 weeks compared to a control group that lost only 1 pound. Researchers have also shown people who eat yogurt lose more weight. Try a yogurt sweetened with Agave nectar such as Siggi’s yogurt.

A portion control diet can work if you shrink the portion size of sweets and treats and super size your portion of vegetables and healthy soups. People always want to know: Should I count calories? Should I count carbs? Should I count grams of fat? Should I count grams of sugar? I don’t think it’s necessary to count anything when using small portions to lose weight. Just be aware of the fat, sugar and calories and be reasonable.

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