Articles for tag: Fitness Advice, Jackie Warner

Why You Should Check out “Workout” on Bravo

“Workout” – Just What The Doctor Ordered It doesn’t take a television marketing genius to know that ‘reality’ T.V. is big business, and it’s fun to watch also, when it’s done well. The networks have their own formats whereas cable can push the envelope just a bit more. One of the more entertaining and ‘real,’ ...

Karla News

The High School Reunion Diet Review

The High School Reunion Diet was recommended by Woman’s World magazine a great way to get rid of holiday weight gain. I decided to try their 24-hour emergency menu after a trip to Tucson that included fried ice cream at an authentic Mexican restaurant, my two sisters’ homemade meals, chocolate Babka bread for breakfast and ...

Kate Gosselin Bikini Body Secrets

Kate Gosselin’s bikini body is not impossible to have if you have a similar body type and stick to her dedicated exercise regime and healthy eating plan. Kate Gosselin’s new body made the cover of People magazine. Gosselin revealed the truth about the gossip about whether she had Botox or breast implants. I believed, from ...

Karla News

How Do You Eat Clean?

How do you eat clean? It’s fairly simple. Just don’t eat anything that comes with a bar code! Of course, not everyone sticks to a completely clean diet, but that’s the concept: no processed foods, only natural foods your great-grandmother would recognize! Eating clean has been gaining in popularity as people have been losing their ...

Karla News

Jenny Craig’s Metabolic Max Review

Jenny Craig’s Metabolic Max program incorporates the Body Media FIT system armband and activity manager, a new technology that tracks calories burned. As a lifetime member of Jenny Craig, I was happy to see the new Metabolic Max Program announced because I’ve always felt the Jenny Craig consultants needed more accurate information about the number ...

Portion Control Diet: Mini Size Me

A portion control diet can backfire if you have not committed to making healthier eating choices. With so many mini size products on the market including the mini size Blizzard and Weight Watchers treats, it’s easy to think you can shed pounds with small portions. But it’s more about what you put on your portion ...