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Insanity Workout – Upper Body / Weight Training Review

Beachbody, Insanity Workout, Shaun T

If you’ve started the Insanity workout by Shaun T. of Beachbody.com, or if you’re considering trying it and wondering about the bonus package Upper Body and Weightlifting you’re probably wondering how it compares to the rest of the series. For that matter how does it compare to a normal gym workout?

I can answer both of those questions with one sentence. Upper Body and Weightlifting is NOTHING like anything else you have ever done. The only program I have ever done that came close to the amount of endurance required for the Upper Body series was P90x also by Beachbody.com. Even that would tough call between which was the hardest. The sure thing is, you will definitely feel like you’ve accomplished something. Shaun T. endorses the motto “Dig Deeper.” That is exactly what you are going to have to do. This is not an easy circuit, but it pays dividends by the truck load.

Insanity got its name honest. During the workouts you feel like you would have to be crazy to want to do this, but you also feel like you can go on. You want to finish. It isn’t easy but it is definitely not impossible. In the Upper Body Weightlifting set you use free weights for the first and only time. Each circuit is performed three times, first at 12 reps, then 10, then 8, increasing weight if possible each time. This pyramid scheme is designed to maximize effort and produce maximum muscle generation. The idea is to never stop moving, even during your breaks keep mobile, keep your heart rate up, and keep digging, as deep as you can.

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A breakdown of the exercises in this set are as follows:

Following a warm up that exceeds what most people would call a full workout, including jogging,jumping jacks, jump rope and Heisman lunges you enter your first circuit.

First circuit:

360 Power Presses – A seated dumb bell press with full rotation of the wrists
Pulse Bicep Curls – Another seated move with one arm alternately stationary while performing standard curls with the other.
In/Out Abs with Tricep Push Up – From standard plank position to a push up to a squat.
Floor Sprint – Get in a standard push up position and run in place for thirty seconds, keep your butt down!
You get a thirty second break then start again following the 12/10/8 pyramid system.

Second Circuit:

Squat Bicep Curl – Get in a standard squat resting your elbow on your inner thigh and perform one set of curls for each arm.
180 Lateral Raises – Choose a light weight, extend your arms all the way to your side and over your head, keeping your arms slightly bent.
Elevated Tricep Dips – Sit on the floor and rest your feet above your head, like in a chair, raise yourself up using your arms so your butt is off the floor, dip until you almost touch the floor and repeat. Do 10, then raise one foot and do ten more, then switch your raised leg and do ten more.
Power Jumps – Jump as high as you can and touch your knees mid air, land softly.

Rest 2 min.

Increase weight and repeat circuit following pyramid scheme.

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Third Circuit:

Full Rotation Flys – Lay on your back holding weights with arms slightly bent out at your sides. Raise both arms above your head together. Bring both arms up so you are holding weights straight up in the air.
Push Up with Front Raise – With two light weights in hand assume a normal push up position. After each rep raise one of the weights straight out in front of you, alternate arms each time.
High Knees with Twist – Basically run in place twisting your body toward whichever knee you have raised at a time.

Rest 30 sec.

Increase weight, continue using pyramid scheme.

Fourth Circuit:

Chest Press with Leg Raise – Lay on your back with both legs together slightly raised. Push up your weights like a normal chest press raising your legs at the same time, as you lower the weights lower your legs also.
Bent Over Rows/Flys – Bend over at the waist, lift weights to chest, then kick arms out to your sides like you had wings, keep arms slightly bent. Do six reps.
Ski Abs – Assume the plank position, keeping feet together and hands on the lfoor jump to the right so your body is slightly twisted then jump back to the middle. Do 20 reps.

Rest 30 sec

Increase weight and continue as follows

Chest press with Leg Raise – 10
Bent Over Rows/Flys – 5
Ski Abs – 16
Rest 30 sec
Chest Press with Leg raise – 8
Bent Over Rows/Flys – 4
Ski Abs – 10

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Cool Down Stretch

I have never done anything harder than the Insanity challenge. Shaun T, recommends doing the Upper Body Weight Training workout two to three times a week and that is more than enough. You will get better over time. I couldn’t even complete the whole thing my first time through, but the more you stick with it, the deeper you dig, the better you will get and the better you will feel about yourself. In my honest opinion Insanity is the perfect workout for anyone that is fiercely determined and wants to see big results.