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Ear Stapling for Weight Loss

Ear Care, Loose Weight

Yes, you read the title right. You can staple your ear and loose weight. Ear stapling is a new diet trend that is getting more popular around the world. The only huge difference is that there is no diet involved! Unlike other fade diets, there is no counting calories, no weighing, no measuring, and no eating foods that are fat free and tasteless. This is a real procedure that many people are trying to loose weight. Will this be the miracle cure that helps the majority of those who are overweight or obese? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Ear stapling for weight loss is similar to the procedure of getting your ears pierced. There is a little more pain with ear stapling but still very tolerable. Ear stapling is done by stapling a tiny piece of stainless steel to the cartilage inside the middle of the ear. If this is done right by a professional, the ear staple will penetrate the acupuncture point in your ear that controls your stomach. This specific pressure point tells the brain when the stomach is full. Having the piece of metal on your ear will control your appetite and thirst. It also relives stress and tension that causes many people to over eat. The ear staple is not for everyone. For some people, the ear staple works so well that it causes them to never eat and they end up having to get it removed. For the majority of people, it gradually decreases their appetite and cravings for food.

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You may be thinking that a procedure like this will causes a ton of money like other weight loss procedures. However, this is not the case. The price to staple your ears is quite reasonable and ranges from $55.00 for one ear to $70.00 for both ears. It is recommended that you have both of your ears stapled because research has shown that everyone has one ear that works better in this procedure then the other. Having both ears stapled eliminates the chance of stapling the wrong ear and you will receive the best results. Also, having both of your ears stapled is suppose to even out your equilibrium. To loose weight for such a reasonable price and not have to watch every single thing you put in your mouth is an incredible chance for those who want to loose weight to loose it gradually and without the stress of normal dieting.

You may be thinking, this can’t be the real deal. Well, as of now, there is no scientific proof that has been done directly to this procedure. However, ear stapling professionals have confirmed that over 90% of all clients who had their ear’s stapled were successful in losing at least some weight. The professionals claim that women can lose up to 2-4 pounds per week and mean loose between 4-10 pounds per week. To maximize your weight loss, it is recommended that you exercise and eat healthier. Two clients of an professional ear stapler reported to loosing over 100 pounds together. Others reported to loosing a dress size in only a week. Not loosing weight sometimes has to do with a misplaced ear staple and simply re-stapling it in the right position can help you achieve your weight loss goal. Of course, just like any diet, results may vary depending on the individual.

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Although ear stapling is mainly safe, there is a risk of infection just like any procedure. An infection in the cartilage can be very serious if not treated quickly and properly. There many also be some scaring if the staple is too large. It is important to keep your ears clean and dry after this procedure. You should avoid touching the staple and your staple professional should give you a ear care instruction paper for you to follow. If you do get this procedure and it ends up getting infected, see your doctor immediately.

You may be asking, do I only need to get my ears stapled once? When you have your ears stapled for weight loss, the staple usually lasts anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on the individual and how it’s taking care of. After this staple is gone, you will need to decide if you want to replace it with a new one. If you do decide to get a new staple placed in your ear, it will be placed in the same pressure point but moved slightly. Only a trained acupuncturist should attempt a procedure such as this to get the best results. Although this procedure is not the answer for everyone who is looking to loose weight, for the majority it works great and it’s a nice alternative to dieting.