Articles for tag: Hoodia, Loose Weight, Otc

Karla News

5 OTC Diet Pills: Know the Facts

In this article we will take a look at the five biggest OTC diet pills. These OTC Diet Pills are at the top of the line of diet pills. I will give you a brief description about each diet pill in this list. You should use caution when taking ant OTC diet pill. You will ...

Athletes and Amino Acid Supplements

It is all too a popular scene an athlete (Body Builder) makes amino acid supplements a part of his daily life, he takes these supplements mainly to gain muscle mass but also to increase his stamina, and to gain a little extra energy, but is taking these supplements ideal? Amino acids are important to the ...

George Foreman’s Life-Shake Weight Loss Story

George Foreman’s Life-Shake is a new product sold on infomercials late at night (or early in the morning) that claims weight loss can happen with it. It is an all in one scoop of vitamin and minerals that George Foreman claims can be a meal replacement, diet aid, and replace your existing vitamins, but will ...

Ear Stapling for Weight Loss

Yes, you read the title right. You can staple your ear and loose weight. Ear stapling is a new diet trend that is getting more popular around the world. The only huge difference is that there is no diet involved! Unlike other fade diets, there is no counting calories, no weighing, no measuring, and no ...

The New Diet for Wine Lovers – the Sonoma Diet

The newest diet is called the sonoma diet and it is taking the world by storm. It was created by Dr. Connie Guttersen and it was born in California’s wine country. This diet promises to be unique because no food categories are off limits. It emphasizes a balance of whole grains, protein, healthy fats and ...