Articles for tag: Ear Care, Guinea

Karla News

Guinea Pig Care and Grooming

Grooming your Guinea Pig is a task that should be preformed at least once a month. A clean and healthy Guinea Pig is a happy Guinea Pig. Since Guinea Pigs are unable to groom themselves, you as an owner, are responsible for grooming them. If not groomed, or properly groomed, your Guinea Pig can experience ...

Karla News

How to Take Care Your Child’s Ear Piercing

You are excited that your five-month-old baby is going to have his/her ears pierced for the first time. But at the same time you are anxious and scare. You do not know how your baby is going to react to the noise and the pain, when they are piercing their ears. Here are some tips ...

Karla News

How to Clean Cat Ears Safely

Cat owners often overlook or put-off routine ear care for their cats. Many owners worry that they will hurt their pet when cleaning their cat’s ears but not performing regular ear cleaning can lead to several ear problems. Common cat ear problems include mites, bacterial infections, fungal or yeast infections, allergies, cancer, and dirt or ...

Karla News

Children’s Birthday Party Venues in St. Louis, Missouri

If you’re looking for a great place in St. Louis to have a birthday party, then these 10 places will be a great place to start your search. They are specifically geared towards kids but can be enjoyed by any age. Some places have age restrictions, holiday closings, and additional charges for everything from tableware ...

Karla News

Ear Mites in Ferrets

Ear mites are highly contagious and many people don’t know that their ferret can catch ear mites from their dog, their cat or other ferrets. In fact, veterinarian Judith Bell of states that the majority of ferrets will have ear mites at some point or another during their lifetime. About Ear Mites & Ferrets ...

Karla News

Tips on Grooming a Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is a beautiful and majestic dog. Known as the “Gentle Giant,” these large breed dogs are favored by both farmers looking for a dog to defend their livestock, as well as families looking for a guardian dog that is gentle with children. Grooming a Great Pyrenees however, can be a difficult endeavor. ...

Karla News

People Buy Q-Tips for Ear Care – and Why You Shouldn’t Use Them for That, Usually

Here’s an article about why you shouldn’t use Q-tips to clean your ear. The writer, Chris M. Carmichael, explained the hazards of using Q-tips for ear care Granted, one isn’t likely to do much harm to the ear if Q-tips are used to simply dab at theexterior of the ear or even the back ...

Ear Stapling for Weight Loss

Yes, you read the title right. You can staple your ear and loose weight. Ear stapling is a new diet trend that is getting more popular around the world. The only huge difference is that there is no diet involved! Unlike other fade diets, there is no counting calories, no weighing, no measuring, and no ...

Karla News

How to Take Care of Your New Ear Piercing

Getting your ears pierced is almost a right of passage for any young child, especially girls. One thing I couldn’t wait to do was buy as many dangling earrings as possible to use after my ear’s had healed and the earrings in them could be removed. But there is a lot more to ear piercings ...