Articles for tag: Ear Pain, Mucous, Spring Allergies, Sun Allergy

Can Allergies Cause Ear Pain?

Allergies are a common problem – especially during the spring and summer when trees and plants are blooming and pollen is in the air. When most people hear the word allergy, they think of seasonal allergies and hay fever – but allergies can also involve immune responses to food, medications, mold, bee stings, pets, cosmetics, ...

Karla News

TMJ- a Nagging and Painful Disorder

There’s that nagging hurting feeling again. A pain shoots from your ear tube all the way down to your jaw. It is enough to stop you in your steps, or make you immediately stop what you were saying. What is this pain that comes and goes all of the time? Well, the situation describe above ...

Karla News

Effective Ear Pain Relief

Any type of pain can stop you from performing your daily activities and enjoying life as normal, however, ear pain will keep you up at night with excruciating pain that can make you restless and frustrated. Wanting ear pain relief fast is what you and those around you will desire if you have an ear ...

Karla News

Ear Pain Remedies: Homeopathic Alternatives

With children commonly suffering from ear infections, the use of antibiotics, in the treatment of ear pain, has become widely accepted. For some children, however, bacteria may not be the culprit of ear pain and may, instead, be attributed to viral conditions or even allergens. As an alternative to antibiotics, initially, parents may want to ...

Karla News

Causes of Ear Pain

The causes of ear pain tend to vary based on age. Children are far more likely than adults to acquire an ear infection whereas adults with ear pain tend to be dealing with conditions not directly related to the ear. Ear pain causes include an inner ear infection, swimmer’s ear, a ruptured eardrum, earwax blockage, ...

Karla News

What Causes Bleeding from the Ear Canal?

Earaches are a common symptom that usually indicates an ear infection. They may cause a great deal of discomfort, but usually resolve even without treatment over a five to seven day period. On the other hand ear pain associated with bleeding from an ear canal is usually the sign of a more serious condition ‘” ...

Possible Causes of an Earache

There are many potential causes of an earache. Most of these causes are related to either an infection or some sort of trauma. Ear infections in children occur so frequently that they are the most common reason that a child will be taken to see a doctor. Despite the frequency in children, earaches are common ...

Karla News

Product Review: Wally’s Ear Oil

I have been battling ear infections and upsets for awhile now due to chronic allergies and sinus infections. It is pretty seasonal so I know when to expect it. I have been using ear oils and found a great one called Wally’s! I usually always used a mullein and garlic based ear oil for ear ...

Karla News

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect that Earache

There are several different causes for earaches, and they even come in different forms. If you’ve never experienced one in any form, count yourself fortunate. An earache is not easy to ignore, but did you know you can have an ear infection and not even have any pain? Such an infection can lead to serious ...

Karla News

Causes and Home Treatments of Earaches

Earaches can be a real pain in the neck. Well, not so much a pain in the neck as a pain in the head. Few if any people have ever died as a result of the cause of an earache, but an infection that isn’t treated can potentially lead to loss of hearing. A bad ...