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Best Treadmill Workouts

Best Workout, Build Muscles, Treadmill Workout

Treadmills are wonderful equipment to give you a workout on rainy days or during cold weather. People shortchange themselves when they use a treadmill for a monotonous walk.

You’ve probably done it before. Step on the treadmill, hit an easy RPM and walk for 20 minutes to an hour.

How tedious and boring is that?

There are a number of ways to change up your treadmill workout to challenge your body, help burn calories, build muscles, and break the monotony of walking on a treadmill. Once you have a more interesting workout planned, you will be more likely to follow through and do it.

Some of the following treadmill workouts I have learned from trainers and some I have created to improve my fitness and keep myself from becoming stagnant and bored. Maybe they will help you get through your workout, too.

Interval Treadmill Training Workout
Interval training is fun, easy, and provides the best workout on a treadmill.

Put the treadmill on a slight incline, 2 or 3, just enough to simulate a little road. Alternate between intervals of walking at a challenging pace and running. Run for three minutes and walk for two. Another way to measure intervals is to run for ¾ mile and walk ¼. The point is to alternate between walking and running.

Once you have mastered speed intervals, play with incline and speed. What a great workout!

Mountain Climber Treadmill Training Workout
Adding incline to your treadmill, no matter what rate of speed you use, will burn more calories. Adjust your incline every ¼ mile through your workout. Alternate between dramatic increases and decreases and slight increases and decreases.

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Don’t put the incline so high that you have to hold on until your knuckles turn white. Don’t take the incline so high that you are bending your back to walk uphill, either. Adjust your speed as needed. Your torching calories by going uphill.

Pace Setter Treadmill Training Workout
Pace setting workouts are fun, especially for runners. This workout can also be used by walkers.

Set the treadmill for a 5k or watch your distance to 3.1 miles (5k). Walk or jog and record how long it took you to complete the 5k.

Next time you are on the treadmill this is the time to meet or beat.

Stride Extender Treadmill Training Workout
I have a very short running stride. Sometimes, I use my treadmill workout to improve my stride. I also use this workout to work my calf muscles.

Put the treadmill on a medium incline, from 8 to 10. Set an easy jogging speed, not to fast, but you should be jogging. Every five to ten minutes, depending on the length of your workout, ride as far back on the treadmill as you can safely. Change your jog into a short leap. Leap ten times with the right leg leading, then ten times with the left leg leading. This helps stretch your leg muscles and extend your stride.

In between sets of your mini-leap, cut down the speed and run uphill on your toes to give your calves a good workout.

The stride extender treadmill workout will create strong, beautiful legs.

10-10-10 Treadmill Training Workout
The 10-10-10 workout incorporates other exercises into your workout. Walk, jog, or run on the treadmill at a challenging pace for ten minutes.

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Get off the treadmill and do ten minutes of other exercises. Weight training is great. If you don’t have weights do Pilates, yoga, or old-school calisthenics. After ten minutes get back on the treadmill for ten more minutes.

The next time you get off change up your exercise. This is a great time to do abdominal exercises or exercises to tighten and shape your glutes. Finish up and hop back on the treadmill.

I enjoy 10-10-10 for a 60 to 90 minute work out, but you can incorporate it into your treadmill routine whether you are a beginner or advanced athlete.

Personal knowledge and experience