Articles for tag: Body Fat, Body Fat Percentage, Sculpted Leg Muscles

How to Get Muscular Abs in One Week

Getting abs isn’t as hard as it seems. The mainstream might make it seem like the only way that you can get them is by using some expensive machinery and working out an hour a day for weeks, but this is not the answer. You have everything that you need to get your much wanted ...

How Important Are Ab Exercises?

One of the most common things I see when I observe other people working out at the gym is a disproportionate amount of ab exercises to all other exercises. For example, I might see someone do the standard three sets of pushups, three sets of squats, three sets of pull-ups, and so on… but then ...

Shortcut to a Flat Tummy & Tight Abs

Love handles? Belly fat? Muffin top? Beer gut? Whatever you want to call it, it’s the most stubborn and ugly fat bulging from your tummy and rolling from your sides. Nobody likes it. Everyone has trouble losing it. Who doesn’t have want a set of sexy six pack abs? Or at least flat tummy and ...

Karla News

Five Exercises for Sculpted Leg Muscles

Before starting any exercise routine for sculpted leg muscles, keep in mind that muscles can easily be covered up by fat, so it is necessary to keep your body fat somewhat low in order to see results. Also, keep in mind that there are advantages and disadvantages in doing both high rep-lower weight and low ...