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Best Summer Workouts for Fitness Amateurs

Mountain Hiking

When I was trying to get back into shape, I found the summer to be the best time to try. The first reason is simply because I really enjoy being outdoors. The other reason is because of the type of exercises I like to do are best during the summer months. When it comes to getting fit and staying that way there are several keys to success. The first thing you will need to do is speak to your doctor to find out which types of exercises they recommend you do. Some exercises are good for certain people. It is very important that you take the time to find the workout that works best for you. Remember also that getting fit is going to take a lot more than just exercising. You are going to have to eat right and be dedicated to exercising several times a week.

When it comes to exercising there are several different types that you can try. For example some people prefer to start out by doing strength training exercises in order to build up a strong body. Or perhaps you may want to try a beginner cardio exercise, which is a great way to really get your heart pumping and get you moving. There’s is also yoga, and ball workouts that are great to get your flexibility back and get you in shape by burning a few calories.

So what exercises are best to try if you want to start during the summer? The lists below are some of the exercises that I have personally found to be enjoyable and easy to do during the summer months. If you missed out on this summer, you can always set a goal to give them a try next summer. Remember that when doing exercises outside you should always make sure that you have plenty of water with you at all times. You should also make sure to use plenty of sun block when doing any type of outdoor exercise activity.

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1. The first outdoor exercise that is good for beginners is swimming of course. This is the easiest outdoor exercise activity to do. If you join a gym with an indoor pool than even rainy summer weather will not keep you from getting plenty of exercise. Swimming is a cardiovascular exercise that you should do for at least thirty minutes. The time will fly by and you will get one of the best full body workouts ever. The best part is that you will not even feel like you are working out.

2. Jogging is another obvious choice. There is no better time to go jogging and get a full cardio workout than during the summer. The best time for a jog is early during the cooler morning hours and with a friend. Nowadays it is really not a good idea to go jogging alone. There are plenty of parks that have paths that are perfect for the summer jogger. The best part is that you will be working all of your muscles and burning calories.

3. Bike riding is a lot of fun especially if you take the family along with you. If you have kids why not make it a family summer event to go bike riding at least twice a week. You will give your legs a great cardio workout and you will burn off plenty of calories. Remember that in order to really get a good workout you have to ride for at least thirty minutes straight with no breaks.

4. Hiking is a fun way to get your heart pumping and burn calories. There are plenty of parks that you can go hiking through and it is fun to do with family and friends. The best location is a place that has a lot of hills. Mountain hiking, if you live near a mountain with trails is also a lot of fun to do in the summer months. Try to start out early in the day before the heat of summer gets to you. Most mountain trials have plenty of shade and the higher you go the cooler it does tend to get.

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5. Kayaking in the summer months is lot of fun to do. There are plenty of places in where you can rent a kayak and even get lessons. This is a great way to tone your arms and strengthen your upper body. Try taking a thirty minute kayaking trip and you will be surprised at how sore you will feel the next day.

6. Play a game of tennis. This is one of my favorite ways to stay in shape. Even if you are not a great tennis player you can still give your body a total workout just by trying to play the game. The best part is that you will burn lots of calories doing it. The summer time is a great time for a game of tennis. Be sure to wear a hat to keep the sun off of your face and don’t forget the water.

7. Play a game of Beach Volleyball. Since most people end up going to the beach just about weekly during the summer months, why not play a game. There is a good way to tone your entire body and burn calories. Who said that exercising had to be boring? Before you know it an hour would have gone by and you would have gotten a great workout along with a nice tan.

8. Just go for a walk. If you want to start out with something a bit slower and easier to do then why not just try two thirty minute walks a day. You can take one walk in the morning and one walk in the evening. Take a friend or several friends along with you to make the time pass quicker. Remember that you will have to keep your pace up when walking to get a good cardio workout.