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What is Aqua Aerobics?

Aerobics, Aqua, Exercise at Home

Doing aqua aerobics is a great way to stay in shape, and it is one exercise that is safe and effective for pregnant women and anyone who needs a low impact workout.

What is aqua aerobics?

Aqua aerobics, also known as aqua-size or water aerobics, is a low impact workout that offers tremendous results. It is essentially the same as a regular aerobics class, but since it’s done in the water, it’s much easier on your joints and muscles. It also helps to strengthen the body because the water offers resistance when completing the motions required.

Generally, the class consists of dance like movements, and they’re often set to music. The teacher will usually stand on the deck of the pool so that you can see exactly what he or she is doing.

Who can do aqua aerobics?

Almost anyone can do aqua aerobics. Since there is almost no impact on the joints and muscles, people who are unable to do other types of exercise are more likely to be comfortable doing aqua aerobics. As mentioned earlier, pregnant women can do aqua aerobics without much trouble. It’s a great way to stay in shape throughout your pregnancy. People who are overweight or in poor shape can also benefit from doing aqua aerobics, as it can help to strengthen the body and promote weight loss.

Even people who can’t swim can do aqua aerobics, since classes are generally held in the shallower areas of the pool.

What do I need to do aqua aerobics?

You don’t need much to attend an aqua aerobics class. Most classes require you to wear a bathing suit, of course. You’ll want a towel and maybe a swim cap. You will need to check with your local gym or YMCA for class times. Most of the time, any additional equipment required will be provided by your teacher. This may include things like paddle boards and water weights. Some teachers may ask you to buy supplies yourself, or you may wish to add certain things to increase the intensity of your workout. This may include aqua blocks, which work like barbells, a floatation belt, which can help you to maintain erect posture in deep water, or pool shoes.

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What are the benefits to doing aqua aerobics?

As previously mentioned, one huge benefit of aqua aerobics is that almost anyone can do it. Plus, a 45 minute class can burn as much as 500 calories, sweat free. Also, it may feel “too easy”, but rest assured, your body is working hard. You’ll notice as the workout goes on that you feel more fatigued, and if you’ve not worked out in awhile, you may notice the next day that your muscles feel rubbery or tight. This means that the workout is doing its job!

Pregnant women will benefit especially because giving birth is significantly less stressful on a body that is in shape, as opposed to one that’s in poor shape.

Are there any drawbacks to aqua aerobics?

While the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, I thought it would be important to include this information. One major drawback is that unless you have a pool in your backyard and a qualified aqua aerobics teacher on the payroll, you won’t be able to do this type of exercise at home. Another is that you will likely need to pay for your aqua aerobics classes, and to be sure that your instructor is in fact qualified for the job.

Finally, if the pool is outdoors, you need to be careful with sun exposure. Consider finding an indoor class, but if that’s not possible, be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat. If possible, try to take an evening or early morning class, when the sun’s heat is less intense.

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Bottom Line

Aqua aerobics is a low impact, high results workout that almost anyone can do. I recommend that you give it a shot, even if just to shake up your current workout routine.