Articles for tag: Child Birth, Give Birth, Giving Birth

Karla News

Unassisted Home Birth: Pros and Cons

Although hospitals are working overtime to make their birthing rooms homier, the fact remains that there are interventions waiting around every corner. Hospitals have procedures that they are required to follow, and once your have been admitted, regardless of birth plan, you are ultimately in their hands. Many women see the problems inherent in hospital ...

Karla News

Pregnancy Dreams About Giving Birth to Animals

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had recurrent dreams that she was actually an animal. In one dream, an ultrasound revealed a litter of dachshund pups. In another, I gave birth to a rabbit. The most memorable dream involved giving birth to a fluffy orange kitten and then yelling at my obstetrician, “Why ...

New Trend in Giving Birth – Push Presents

A new trend right now are push presents. The trend originated in India and Italy. These are gifts that a husband gives it his wife after she delivers their child. The gifts are usually quite expensive and lavish. Most of the time it is jewelry, but handbags and clothing are both popular also. A 2007 ...

4 Common Myths of Giving Birth in a Hospital

Having a baby is an exciting, yet stressful life event. There are many decisions to be made. One important one is where to give birth. Giving birth in a hospital has many advantages, yet some women are fearful. They have heard stories of medical interventions, and mom and baby not being able to bond right ...