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The Best Fruits to Eat for Weight Loss

Best Fruits, Best Fruits for Fiber, Fruits for Weight Loss

One of the best foods for weight loss is fruits because they have high water content, low calorie counts, no cholesterol and a great source of fiber. They really are the best of what our planet produces. They keep your heart healthy, your blood pressure low and can help to prevent different types of cancers and diabetes.

Nobody wants to diet by simply cutting food intake. The best weight loss programs allow dieters to eat until their hunger is satisfied. The secret is in finding foods with a lower energy density. In other words, foods with fewer calories per gram of weight. If a food has more water and fiber in it (like fruit does), it is considered low in energy density. Fruits make the consumer full while reducing calorie intake that results in weight loss. In other words, EAT MORE FRUIT!

But what are the best fruits to eat? Not all fruits are created equal when it comes to weight loss.

  • Stay away from canned fruits that are packed in heavy sweetened syrups. If you must eat canned fruit because the area you live in is short on fruits, choose those that are canned in light syrup or their own juices.
  • Dried fruit is not a good choice either for weight loss. It will take more dried fruit to make you full, and all of the water content has been removed. The sugar content in dried fruit is concentrated and higher than in fresh fruit.

The best fruits for weight loss?

  • Melons: Cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon
  • Grapefruit
  • Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries
  • Papaya
  • Peach
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How can you include more fruits in your daily diet? Aim for two cups of fresh fruit a day; more if you are very active physically.

  • Slice up fruit and take it to work with you to snack on at your desk. It’s not messy, won’t spill on your computer, and will keep you away from the fattening foods in vending machines.
  • Frozen fruits are great for snacking on at home as well. Throw some grapes, strawberries and sliced watermelon in the freezer. Just when you’re craving something sweet, pull these frozen treats out and enjoy. They can be dipped in yogurt for extra flavor!
  • If you are out at a fast food restaurant, skip the fries and order a fruit cup or fruit salad.
  • Flavor up your breakfast with a scoop of berries on your cold cereal or sliced peaches and papaya on oatmeal.
  • Next time you have to take a dessert to a potluck or are making a side dish for a barbecue, do fruit-ka-bobs. Cube fresh fruit in season – banana, watermelon, melons, berries, pineapples – and skewer them on sticks. Drizzle with lemon juice to keep fruits looking fresh longer. They’ll be the hit of the party.
  • Keep a bowl of fresh fruit in plain sight at home. It’ll trigger you (and your family) to eat more fruits.

Eating fresh fruits, finding new ways to prepare them, and sharing them with others can be the most enjoyable part of losing weight.