Articles for tag: Bowel Movements, Constipation, Fiber Foods

Karla News

How to Get Enough Fiber in Your Diet

It’s common knowledge that you need fiber in your diet. Most people know that fiber is healthy and you can get it from fruits and vegetables. What isn’t as well known is exactly how much fiber you need per day to maintain optimum health, and the easiest ways to get enough. According to the Institute ...

IBS Diet: Soluble Fiber and Insoluble Fiber Foods

Irritable bowel sydrome or IBS, is a group of symptoms than include abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, and chronic diarrhea or constipation or a combination of both. Researchers are unsure of the cause of IBS, but it may be that the muscles and nerves in the colon (large bowel) are extra sensitive, and muscles may ...

Karla News

Natural Treatments to Cure Common Constipation

It’s a subject that no one talks about, yet it’s a condition that affects many people on a daily basis. Many healthy people experience the abdominal pain and the bloated feeling that constipation causes. You may even experience headaches. Instead of taking over-the-counter medicines to treat this problem, you can use some natural treatments to ...

Avoiding Stomach Problems While Running

Considering the fact that running is supposed to be good for you, it’s amazing how many aches and ailments running seems to bring to the table. Everything from sore knees to chaffed armpits can turn a morning run from a refreshing way to start the day to an annoying activity that can’t end soon enough. ...

Karla News

Benefits of Red Foods

Many people don’t think that the color of their food makes a difference and try to go for the high protein or high fiber foods, but color does make a big difference. Mother nature added more to natural foods than just their colors. Different color categories supply different nutrients and vitamins our bodies greatly need. ...