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Kevin Federline’s New Size: Kfed Fat

Sugar Mama

Tides have turned on Kfed, Britney’s ex, who is seemingly nonchalant about his weight gain. He’s been living high, large and lazy, with money from Brit. Kevin Federline’s weight gain was evident at a recent golf tournament, X Games Celebrity Skins Classic event in California, where he was sporting his own pregnant belly and moobs (man boobs).

Not sure what a fat Kevin Federline would look like? Send the kids out of the room, brace yourself, because here he is in all his glory: K-fed Fat photo.

Britney Up, Kevin Federline Fat

While Britney Spears has been working hard to clean up her image and tone her body with dance, her ex-husband and former dancer Kfed has been enjoying the spoils of her labor. K-fed receives $20,000 for child support from pop star Britney Spears.

Celebrity Weight Gain: The Men

Not that I’ve ever been a fan of Kfed, fat or skinny, but I it’s about time that Hollywood press takes pot shots at men as well as women for gaining weight. One of his ex-girlfriend’s attributed it to daddy weight. Except it’s more like former Sugar Mama weight.

It’s more evident than ever that Kevin Federline was riding the coat tails of pop star Britney Spears, and even now that they are divorced, he’s still riding those coattails, from the couch.

Active Daddy’s Look Fit

Here are some tips for the new fat Kfed, who has custody of two little boys: get off the couch. You have enough money to join a gym, get a physical trainer, and yes, do outdoor daddy things with your sons.

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Fathers through history have been known to toss a ball around with their kids, go swimming, play soccer, and take walks.

Good News for Britney Fans

The best thing that can come out K-fed’s weight gain is that maybe we won’t be subjected to another K-fed reality show. There may be no avoiding it, as he is supposed to have a show with his new girlfriend, Victoria Price, and his two sons.

Instead, we could send him into the Big Brother house and make him eat slop. Or if he goes on Survivor and enjoys a rice diet for 30 days he could slim down and start being a more active father.

The best option would be a stint on the aptly named show,The Biggest Loser.


Britney calls K-Fed a fat loser, http://www.poorbritney.com/blog/?p=6060

Report: K-Fed Fat, http://gawker.com/363588/report-k+fed-fat
Kevin Federline Fat Pics, Kevin Federline’s Gut and Moobs are Disgusting, http://www.theinsider.com/news/1426267_Kevin_Federline_Fat_Pics_Kevin_Federline_s_Gut_and_Moobs_are_Disgusting