Articles for tag: Weight Gain During Pregnancy

10 Signs of Fetal Distress

All expectant parents hope for an uncomplicated pregnancy, an easy birth, and a healthy baby. Trying to handle the changes that your body goes through during pregnancy is difficult to deal with. When complications arise we question what is occurring in the uterus (or womb) and if what we are feeling is normal. Fetal distress ...

The Skinny on Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain is something most women worry about, especially prior to becoming pregnant. Even pregnant women dread packing on the pounds, especially when they entertain the idea of how they’ll lose that weight following the birth of the baby. Americans are constantly obsessing and fretting over their weight, pregnant and non-pregnant women alike, so it ...

Karla News

Can You Lose Weight While Pregnant?

Many women worry about weight gain during pregnancy, what about losing weight? Can you lose weight while pregnant without causing any harm to a developing fetus? Should pregnancy be a time to focus on losing weight? The American Pregnancy Association recommends gaining weight in order to support healthy growth and development. A woman who was ...

Karla News

Keeping Breasts Perky After Pregnancy

One of my biggest fears in pregnancy was that my breasts would look horrible afterwards. I was excited to be pregnant, and didn’t mind the increased breast size as I had always been a 34B, but I was terrified that after I delivered my baby and discontinued breastfeeding, my breasts would sag down and look ...

Karla News

A Research Critique of Effects of Immediate Versus Delayed Pushing

Title: The title of this research study was a good selection and indicated both the research problem and the study population. The research problem is very clear from reading the title; it concerns the effects of two types of pushing during second-stage labor on fetal-well being. The study population is women experiencing second-stage labor. The ...

The Dangers of Overeating During Pregnancy

Many women see pregnancy as a time to indulge their sweet tooth, their salty cravings, or eat for two. Most women manage to do so while staying healthy. And although the may overindulge once in a while, for the most part they stick to foods that provide their body and their baby with the energy ...