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Healthy Eating Patterns for Weight Loss

Complex Carbohydrates, Energy Foods, Nutritious Snacks, Weight Control

There is more to weight control than exercising and watching your calories. You need to adopt healthy eating patterns. You need to pay attention to what you eat and when you eat.

Break the Fast

The best time to begin a daily healthy eating pattern is at breakfast. After 10 to 12 hours of not eating, your body needs fuel to get going. But did you know that people who eat breakfast have several advantages over those who do not?

Those who eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast usually are more productive during the late morning hours. They also may have a faster reaction time and experienced less muscle fatigue than those who skipped breakfast.

You may ask: what does eating breakfast have to do with weight control? The calories you consume at breakfast are usually used during the morning activities. This is in contrast to the calories you take in at an evening meal, when you are usually less active. In addition, you are less likely to look for a quick snack in the morning if you have eaten breakfast.

Try not to eat foods that are high in sugar for breakfast, because those foods will be burned up quickly. Try eating complex carbohydrates, like potatoes, cereals or whole grain breads. These foods usually have the same number of calories as proteins and fewer calories than fats.

Complex carbohydrates are a good source of energy. They also give you a full, satisfied feeling, take longer to digest, add fiber to the diet and contain other nutrients. They are an excellent food group to eat to jump start your day.

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Snacks Can Be Healthy

Remember that one of the main purposes of food is to provide energy for the body. The energy is needed to perform whatever you have to do during the day. You may need snacks to provide more energy between meals.

What and how you eat at mealtime has much to do with the frequency of your snacks. If you do not eat properly, you will not have much energy. Foods differ greatly in the amount of energy they provide. They also differ in how quickly the body uses that energy. Foods high in sugar provide short-term energy, along with a quick drop in energy level, which usually means more snacking.

Make sure to have snacks well in advance of the next meal so that your appetite is not spoiled. Snacking can be an important supplement to meals, but you should never use it as a substitute for meals.

Suggestions for Nutritious Snacks

*To add protein to your diet: Try hard-boiled eggs, pieces of cheese, chunks of tuna, slices of leftover roast or steak.
*To add vitamin C to your diet: Try strawberries, other berries, melon, tomatoes, citrus fruits, raw pineapple, nectarines.
*To add vitamin A to your diet: Eat carrot sticks, raw broccoli, green pepper rings, dark green vegetables. Try cottage cheese and crushed pineapple; tuna and mayonnaise; yellow fruits and vegetables.
*To add calcium to your diet: Try any dairy products, frozen yogurt, cheese chunks, custard, cottage cheese or fruit.
*To add B vitamins and minerals to your diet: Use whole-grain or enriched breads and cereal, dairy products or nuts. Raisins are also good.

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Developing these healthy eating patterns should help you with your weight loss plan . Also, you should be creating a new, healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off for good.