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Fun Exercises for Senior Citizens

Fun Exercise, Improve Flexibility, Senior Citizens, Senior Fitness

Regardless of your age (or how old you think you are), you’re never too old for regular exercise. Exercise can literally turn back the clock for senior citizens, improving bone strength, increasing lean muscle mass, and reducing their risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and major depression.

But for seniors, exercise isn’t exactly appealing, especially if they’re used to a sedentary lifestyle. Watching the latest episode of Dr. Oz probably seems more appealing than spending an hour on the elliptical machine. It’s just easier to relax than to break a sweat at the gym.

Not all exercises are as dull as meatloaf, though. There are several fun exercises senior citizens can engage in that helps improve their cardiovascular and mental health, such as taking a dip in the lake, playing video games or even participating in team sports. You may even find it more interesting than an hour in front of the telly.

Fun Exercises for Senior Citizens
Exercise #1: Wii Fit Plus. Using the Wii controller, seniors can create a workout routine that fits their fitness level, giving them full control over the intensity of the workout. The exercises, which include yoga, strength training, and even balance training, are a safe (but fun) way for seniors to get fit. Sure, it doesn’t contain the action-packed excitement of Dance Dance Revolution, but these fun exercises won’t make your feet prone to accidental bone fractures, common in senior citizens.

Exercise #2: Swimming. Considered a safer (and easier) form of exercise for senior citizens by HelpGuide.org, swimming reduces stress on the joints, making it easier to move your limbs in the cool water. At the same time, the water forces you to work harder to move, strengthening your bones and muscles. It’s also a great way to cool down during the hot summer months. To make it more fun, pair off with a friend and play water volleyball.

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Exercise #3: Dancing. No, we’re not talking about hip-hop or breakdance-we’re talking about synchronized dancing, such as square dancing. Like swimming, dancing is an excellent way to have fun and fit in aerobic exercise at the same time, helping improve flexibility and endurance. According to About.com Dance Guide Treva Bedinghaus, it also promotes high self-esteem, making seniors more willing to try different dances or workouts.

Exercise #4: Team Sports. So you think you’re too old to enjoy a bit of light-hearted competition? Not anymore. Senior baseball leagues are becoming the new “it’ way to get in a fun, aerobic workout, with local leagues in virtually every major city in the United States. Better yet, baseball is the perfect sport for senior citizens-it contains short spurts of aerobic exercise (running from base to base) that improves endurance, cardiovascular health and upper leg strength.

Senior Citizens: Get Fit, Live Longer

While these exercises are highly beneficial (and a fun way to stay active), these aren’t the only fun exercises for senior citizens. Heavy-duty gardening, taking a brisk walk near a lake or riding a bicycle are also great ways to get in gentle, fun exercise. Buddying up with a friend or loved one also helps take the edge off pre-workout jitters, encouraging you to stay active.

Joanna Saisan, MSW, Gina Kemp, M.A., Melinda Smith, M.A., and Robert Segal, M.A., “Senior Fitness and Exercise” (HelpGuide.org)
Treva Bedinghaus, “Top 4 Health Benefits of Dance” (About.com)