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The Best Workout DVD’s for Seniors

Leslie Sansone, Senior Fitness, Workout Videos

Seniors should stay active. Any type of physical activity that isn’t strenuous is better than leading a sedentary lifestyle. Older ones maintaining an exercise program will improve overall health. Muscle endurance will increase. Seniors bodies will allow them to become stronger and burn more calories. Physical activity geared toward seniors done on a regular basis will improve cardiovascular health, increase strength, oxygenate the blood, improve the mood of the mind, and slow down the aging process. There are specialty workout videos, and classes designed just for seniors.

Tip#-Adults with arthritis age 55 or older, who engage in aerobic exercise, or resistance weight lifting can improve ability to function.

Workout Videos

The Older & Wiser Workout- This is a back to basics workout. The moves in the video are low impact. Your body will get a total body, 60 minute workout. You do not have to get on the floor for this segment. Every exercise is shown at 3 intensities. You will know the exact right level for you. The cardio features simple easy to follow combination moves. Familiar kicks, knee lifts, jazz squares, and step touches, are included. The toning segments are seated and standing routines. They focus on building muscles used in everyday activities. The instructor in the video focuses on safety and proper form. Get down into your workout with swing music mixed with modern feel. The workout requires 1lb-3 lb dumbbells.

Senior Fitness Easy Does It -The workout is a 50 minute total body, muscle toning DVD. A mix of dumbbell routines modified for seniors. The real exercises will build strength and endurance. The modifications are well planned and range from subtle hand position changes to more extensive movements.

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Seniors need to be very careful as bones get weaker not to hurt themselves. The body starts breaking down in certain areas. It is important to guard against falls that damage hips, back, etc. Some exercise videos prepare the body for those tricky situations that could inevitably lead to a fall, but how to recover from it ,if it should happen.

Safe on Your Feet: Fall Prevention-A program focused on 2 goals, fall prevention & fall recovery. Besides focusing on traditional strength, balance & coordination exercises, it also focuses on “muscle memory”. Your muscles will be taught to anticipate a possible problem. The muscles will learn to prevent injury quickly reacting to regain balance if a fall does start. The moves range from seated warm ups to slow squats to balancing on one leg routines while still holding on to a chair. 1lb to 2lb dumbbells are optional for this workout DVD.

Leslie Sansone’s Active Adult 2 miles -This video is simple to follow, an in home walking program. You do not have to worry about the elements outdoors. Included is an abdominal core toning program. The first workout begins with basic cardio, simple marches, kicks and side steps, plus some slightly more intense power walking routines. Then an aerobic/tone segment is integrated with optional 1lb to 3lb dumbbells. The entire workout focuses on hearth health, balance, and coordination. The second workout features, “seniors-specific” abdominal and core floor work. A motivational introduction by a known fitness expert Dr. Kenneth Cooper is beneficial.

Gentle yoga is especially great for seniors. The older we get the ore yoga has to offer. Read Lilias Folan’s book entitled “Yoga gets Better with Age”. Yoga for seniors (1) restores the capacity to breathe freely. (2) Improves cardiovascular, (3) aids in digestion & elimination, (4) promotes a good night’s sleep, (5) lowers blood pressure & cholesterol, (6) slows down the aging process, (7) strengthens bones, (8) reduces swelling in joints, while increasing joint mobility, (9) improves balance & helps prevent falls, (10)helps to balance out depression & mood swings. Most importantly it helps to (11) speed up recovery from surgery procedures.

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AM & PM Yoga Workout for Seniors –the video is 51 minutes. It isn’t intimidating. You can follow it. The teacher is a PBS TV star. Lilia takes you to the core of yoga. Basic breathing and stretching followed by a series of gentle, modified yoga postures. Her warm personality and careful cuing make it that much more relaxing. You may not be able to master every posture. Don’t let this deter you from doing the routine. The morning program emphasizes energizing and flexibility to start your day. The evening workout focuses on relaxation & sleep improvement.

Senior Surge with Jeff Borden– the moderate exercise will take you approximately 44 minutes. The real sweat -producing workout alternates aerobics and toning. The cardio includes favorite moves like grapevines & ball changes. During toning intervals use a chair and resistance tubing. An X-ertube is required. Get the video and the X-ertube on same website.

All videos can be purchased at www.collagevideo.com

Tip#– Water exercise is good, because of less pressure or tension in joints. Try aqua aerobics or water-based activites at your local gym. This provides excellent benefits for seniors.