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Top 5 at Home Fitness Programs

Home Fitness, Muscle Confusion

Everyone wishes they were in better shape and we’re all looking for answers. Trending diets, the gym, fitness guides, they all give us hope, but ultimately get us nowhere. A great way nowadays to get in the best shape of your life and stay motivated is through home fitness programs. Yes, you can get in the best shape of your life without leaving you home…I have. Here are some of my favorite at home fitness programs that will change your body and mind forever.


If you are looking to get ripped abs and lean muscle all over, this is the only workout for you. I have gone through this twice with incredible results. It’s a 90 day program involving muscle confusion, which mixes up the workouts each month to keep your body from hitting a plateau. Each week you do three muscle building workouts, two cardio, and one yoga. This program also comes with a nutrition guide so you never have to wonder what you should be eating.

Get P90X here.

Billie Banks Workouts

Billie Banks is the man that brought us all Tae Bo, but he has many other workout options to help you get whatever results you’re looking for. Unlike P90X his program is not one large program. Instead you can purchase individual workout routines to find the ones that most fit what you’re looking for. Billie Banks workout DVDs will have you up and moving around, you surely won’t get bored with these.

Try Billie Banks DVDs here.


The ultimate fat burning cardio experience and I speak from experience. You will drop weight, pounds, and body fat with this insane workout. Insanity is a 60 day program that will have you sweating from day one, and loving every minute of it. If you want to be in the best shape of your life, you have to give this a shot. It also comes with a nutrition plan and daily recipes.

See also  P90X2 Vs. P90X Workout Program - Key Differences

Get Insanity now here.

ChaLEAN Extreme

This extreme fat burning program is great for all. I find women especially enjoy this program and love working out with fitness instructor Chalene Johnson. This is another 90 day program that will have you moving and sweating like you never have before. It’s not as crazy as Insanity, but will surely bring you the results you’re looking for.

You can get ChaLEAN Extreme here.


Zumba is the new fitness program that has people dancing like there’s no tomorrow. The mindset behind Zumba is that if you’re having fun dancing around you won’t feel like you’re working out, and when it’s all over you just burned 300 calories. Zumba is great for those looking to have fun and shed some pounds while doing so. You’re not going to get the results with Zumba as you would with Insanity or ChaLEAN, but everyone has their own favorite methods of losing weight, and this may be yours.

Try Zumba here.
