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The Abs Diet for Women Reviewed: Healthy or Hype?

Abs Diet Exercise, Power Foods

The Abs Diet for Women promises to give women what they want: abs…along with weight loss and a decrease in body fat percentage and it promises to deliver when they want it: quickly…and in a way that will fit in with the rest of their life. David Zinczenko, the author of “The Abs Diet” has tweaked his book in a way that addresses the needs of women and created “The Abs Diet for Women”. The dustcover of the book offers this tantalizing promise “The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Belly and Firm Up Your Body for Life.

So, how does the Abs Diet for Women plan to deliver such impressive results and in a mere six weeks? In the same way that most diet plans say that they will: healthy eating and an exercise program. This isn’t a bad thing, on the contrary, that is the only healthy way to lose weight and improve your fitness so immediately The Abs Diet for Women is establishing itself as a legitimate program. That may seem insignificant until you factor in the number of plans that eliminate half of the foods you’ve ever heard of and every food that you love, or recommend that you eat only one food to the exclusion of others. And of course, then there’s the countless number of pills and potions available, but take heart: The Abs Diet for Women is not built around such a gimmick. The basics of the Abs Diet for Women appeal to common sense, scientific knowledge, and every woman that wants to improve her health.

The first tenet of the Abs Diet for Women is to eat. This is not a deprivation diet. Zinczenko doesn’t even recommend calorie counting while on the diet because “the Abs-Diet is designed to be self-controlling”, this also means that you’re not going to be spending your time tediously measuring every serving that you eat. This is possible because the Abs Diet Power 12, the foods you’re going to be eating, are high in protein and fiber and will fill you up and keep you full. However, millions of women DO count calories and want to continue to do so and catering to this need the Abs Diet for Women includes a section on how to count calories with the plan and tips on how to make every calorie count, as well as a Nutritional Values of Common Foods list.

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Not only are you going to eat on the Abs Diet for Women, but you’re going to eat often. There are your three meals a day and then your snacks which should come about two hours before your meals. Zinczenko calls his philosophy “energy balance” based on a study from research done at Georgia State University. Their research found that in order to best be able to reduce fat and build muscle your body needs a fairly constant energy flow which comes by eating regularly.

Maybe the best part about the Abs Diet for Women is that not only are you eating, and eating often, but you are eating well. The Powerfoods are nutritious and delicious. The combinations are virtually limitless and you can feed your whole family your “diet food”. Introducing the ABS DIET POWER food. (You’ll notice that each group starts with one of the letters in that phrase to make them easier to remember.) Almonds and other nuts, Beans and legumes, Spinach and green veggies, Dairy (fat-free, or low-fat) yogurt, milk and cheese, Instant oatmeal, Eggs, Turkey and other lean meats, Peanut butter, Olive oil, Whole-grain breads and cereal, Extra protein (Whey) powder, Raspberries and other berries. Each of those foods was selected not only because they’re healthy, but because they have a “superpower” such as lowering blood pressure, being heart healthy, etc. While we’re talking about delicious, let’s talk about smoothies. Smoothies are used as a snack, as a pre or post workout boost and as breakfast. They’re fast, they’re easy, they taste like dessert, and by using the Abs Diet power foods, they’re also healthy.

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The next great thing about the Abs Diet for Women is that he recognizes that no one is going to stick to a diet precisely all the time. So, this diet allows you one meal a week where you can eat whatever it is that you love. You haven’t failed, you’re not ruining anything, you’re following the plan and preventing yourself from the “I’ve fallen off the wagon…so I guess I’ll go ahead and eat the wagon too” mentality. Zinczenko also says that there’s some proof that having the occasional high calorie meal challenges your metabolism to kick it up a bit as well. This way you have your favorite foods to your heart’s content and then you get back onto the plan for the next week.

That’s the basic overview of the diet portion of the Abs Diet for Women. Now, what about exercise? These are busy times and most of us don’t have the time or the inclination to move into the gym, even if we can afford the membership. Amazingly, you don’t have to work out for the first two weeks of this plan. You spend that time acclimating yourself to the nutritional guidelines. You certainly can get a jumpstart on exercise and if you’re motivated to do that there are suggestions for you, but it’s not required.

When exercise is figured into the Abs Diet for Women equation it’s not in Schwarzenegger proportions. He recommends a 20 minute program three days a week that works your entire body. There are illustrations of every exercise in the book and include both a workout you can do at the gym and the same workout that you’d do at home. He emphasizes strength-training because the more muscles you have the more calories you burn around the clock. There’s obviously an abdominal focus as well, twice a week before you start your total body work. Zinczenko also recommends some cardio on your “off” days.

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The exercise section of the Abs Diet for Women is as good as the nutrition section. I certainly can’t cover everything in depth. There is really something for everyone here as well. There’s the total body workout that you’ll do three times a week. Then there are an additional FIFTY exercises that you can do to target your abs so you can pick the exercises that work for you and your abs. Then there’s the bonus section about toning your lower body while doing the Abs Diet for Women. After all, if you’re going to have sexy abs you might as have some killer legs to go with them. Oh, and let’s not forget the Interval workout that he’s include to spice things up. This workout is divided up by your body type: Lean and Narrow, Classically Curvy, or Athletic. There’s also a Stress-busting workout, some Iron Yoga, Pilates, and a New Mom’s Workout.

The Abs Diet for Women will not be an instant cure for being unhealthy or out of shape, but it will be a step in the right direction. Zinczenko has provided women with a great tool in their quest for self-improvement. The Abs Diet for Women does not need to be simply another diet, it really can become part of your lifestyle.
