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Reiki Distance Attunements

Learn Reiki, Reiki, Reiki Practice, State Symbols, Usui Reiki

Before I can begin talking to you about Reiki Distance Attunements, I must begin by giving you a bit of a background on Reiki itself. What good is learning about attunements if you know nothing of the healing system that is Reiki itself?

Reiki is first and foremost an energy healing system. A natural healing system at it’s best, Reiki is used much in the same way that another healing system, often referred to as ‘the laying on of hands’ is. To use Reiki, your hands are placed gently onto certain areas of the body, and the energy is then commanded to flow. Reiki is used by intent. It flows where it needs to go, and can clear up energy blocks within the body. The energy flows through the practitioner rather than from them. Giving a Reiki treatment does not deplete the practitioners’ energy; they are merely a channel for the energy to run through.

Well, all this talk about Reiki being a healing system; exactly what can it heal? Well, to be honest, Reiki can heal, or help any type of illness or problem. Unlike traditional medicine, Reiki works on another level, the spiritual level to heal illnesses, stress, pain, and Reiki can also help with spiritual evolution. Reiki does not claim to heal all at all times, nor with one treatment, nor with many. However, some suggest that Reiki can help traditional medicine when it is used alongside regular medical treatments.

Anyone can use Reiki, and Reiki can be used on anyone. However, to use Reiki, a person must become attuned to its energy. An attunement is given by a Reiki teacher (often referred to as a Reiki Master), in which they pass on the ability to channel the Reiki energy. This can happen during one session, or over several. This preference is left up to the Reiki teacher, everyone has their own preferences.

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With Reiki teachers being few and far between in small remote areas, people that truly want to learn and become attuned to Reiki are often left behind because Reiki teachers either charge too much, or aren’t close enough. So what is a person left to do when they truly would like to learn the healing system or Reiki?

Go online! Reiki attunements (for free I might add) can be found online quite often. The teachers whom give them want nothing in return. They thrive on the fact that they are passing on the ability to heal to another person who wishes to do good. These people do exist, it’s just a matter of trusting your instinct to go with the one you feel a strong attachment too.

So, the major question here with distance attunements is whether or not they work. The answer is, they do! A person whom wishes to practice Reiki need not to be present in front of a Reiki teacher to receive the Reiki energy, you just need to spend about 15 minutes out of your day, and fully intend to receive the attunement. In person, Reiki attunements are given in a ritual type setting with soft music playing, and all recieving the attunement in a meditative state. Symbols are drawn on recipients hands and in certain areas of their aura. Long distance attunements are different with the teacher focusing the energy and sending it off into the universe where it will stay with your ‘guide’ until you are ready to recieve that energy.

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Many teachers claim that you need not pick a certain time during the day to receive the energy, which means any time you feel you are ready to receive the energy, you may. Set aside a glass of water and spend about 10 to 15 minutes in a meditation and state that you wish to receive the Reiki energy. Once you feel finished, stand slowly, pat yourself all over and slowly drink a glass of water.

You may feel a bit strange for a few hours up to a few weeks after a Reiki attunement. After your attunement, you can begin using your energy right away, simply by saying a simple statement aloud or to yourself such as, “Reiki on” or “Reiki now”. Just because you do not feel the energy flowing does not mean it is not. It may take awhile to begin to feel the energy flow. Some however feel a tingling sensation in their hands, or their hands may begin to feel warm, or even get extremely hot. This is ok, it’s just the energy flowing.

So next time you begin to think about Reiki and fret because you can’t find a teacher nearby, try online!
