Articles for tag: Learn Reiki, Reiki, Reiki Practice, State Symbols, Usui Reiki

Reiki Distance Attunements

Before I can begin talking to you about Reiki Distance Attunements, I must begin by giving you a bit of a background on Reiki itself. What good is learning about attunements if you know nothing of the healing system that is Reiki itself? Reiki is first and foremost an energy healing system. A natural healing ...

Cho Ku Rei: The Reiki Power Symbol

Cho Ku Rei (pronounced choh coo ray) is often known as the power symbol or the focus symbol. It is given to all Reiki practitioners who receive a Level II attunement in Usui Reiki. This symbol can be used to do the following: Start Reiki flowing. Visualize the power symbol before a treatment, intending that ...

What to Expect During a Reiki Attunement

Attunement experiences vary as widely as the types of people having them! But there are a few things you may experience during and after your Reiki attunement that you can keep in mind. 1. Tingling sensations. Many people feel tingling in their hands, the crown Chakra at the top of the head, or in other ...

Where to Learn Reiki Online

Even though it’s no longer “fashionable” to charge $10,000 for training to become a Reiki Master Teacher, prices are still less than affordable for some people. Some Reiki Masters still charge $300 per level, and often more for the Master level. In addition, some even break the Master level into two different classes, which means ...

Karla News

Becoming a Reiki Practitioner: All You Need to Know

Reiki is a Japanese healing method which is known to reduce the amount of stress that is experienced by both humans and animals. The way that it is believed to work to relieve stress is through the flow of energy from a Reiki practitioner’s hands to a human or animal’s body. Reiki is often recommended ...

Karla News

How to Send Distance Reiki Healing

Sending Reiki to someone at a distance is not difficult. In fact, all you have to do is intend to send Reiki to the person, and it will be sent. You don’t need to know the person’s name, location, condition, or what they look like. These things can help you focus on the person, but ...