Karla News

Motivational Tools for Losing Weight

Kids Lunch

We all know how to lose weight. We hear it everywhere: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains, eat smaller portions, minimize junk food and fast food, and exercise more. It’s just that simple. Or is it?

For many of us, it’s the doing not the knowing that seems to be the problem. Sometimes it comes down to those two elusive qualities: Motivation and Discipline. Here are some helpful tools – many of them low cost – to get you to your goal weight and keep you there.

Writing the Weight Off
A simple, free way to start losing weight is to start a food journal. It’s a great way to start without jumping on the latest diet bandwagon. Studies show that keeping a journal of all of your food intake can lead to as much as twice the amount of weight you would lose without keeping track. Commit to a couple weeks-or even a month-of writing down everything you eat. You will become aware of what you are eating without realizing it and also what you aren’t eating, like enough fruits and veggies. Sorry, guys, serving banana slices or sneaking peas into the kids’ lunch doesn’t count unless you eat it too. Keeping a journal will open your eyes to your food intake and it will make a difference in your eating habits.

Podcast with a Purpose
Six weeks after I had my second child, I had lost about half of the baby weight, but I knew I was going to have to kick it in gear to lose the rest. One amazing resource that I stumbled upon was Arlene Pellicane’s podcast “Losing Weight after Baby. (See: http://www.losingweightafterbaby.com/podcast.php). You can access her archive of motivational and informative podcasts from her website or from iTunes-free of charge.

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She’s a soothing, down-to-earth lady who has experienced the ups and downs of trying to lose weight while taking care of her family. Her tips are helpful to anyone, not just new moms. If you have an iPod or other MP3 player, you can download it, or another motivational speaker, from iTunes and listen while you exercise.

Motivation in the Mailbox
Twice a month, I get motivation sent via post in the form of Shape and Fitness magazines. They provide a boost, especially if I have been slacking. Just having that reminder of fit living delivered inspires me to keep at it or to get in gear again. The most important motivation doesn’t come from all the photos of bikini-clad models, but from the real-life stories of women who have successfully lost weight and kept it off. Shape also has an inspiring column that follows one woman per year on her monthly weight-loss journey.

Achievement through Accountability
Sometimes it’s easy to let ourselves off the hook, especially when we are accountable only to ourselves. No wonder all those celebrity mamas drop the pounds faster than I can say “More fries, please.” Not only do they have all kinds of help, they also have one big reason to get rid of the extra weight as quickly as possible-their careers tend to depend on their figures.

Many women, however, need to create our own accountability. One effective way is to simply email or call an accountability partner each week and tell that person how you have done in achieving your weekly goals. You could start by setting two modest goals: writing in your food journal 6 days a week and walking for at least 30 minutes, 4 days a week.

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By having to report to someone else, you will motivate yourself to follow through. If you only were able to exercise twice, you can talk through what is getting in your way-perhaps your baby’s nap schedule was all off that week and as a result your workouts got bumped. Whatever the reason, your accountability partner can encourage you to get back on track.

Another way to motivate yourself through accountability is to sign up for a race in your area. If you’ve never raced before, start with a 5K fun run or a 5K walk. You’ll have the date on your calendar, and you’ll have paid for it, so you’ll be more likely to do what you need to do to be ready come race day. Plus, you’ll likely be so inspired by other runners and yourself that you’ll end up signing up again.

Purchases that Pack a Punch
So many tactics for losing weight and living healthy lives can be accomplished with very little expense. Sometimes, however, in the interest of fitness we have to shell out a few bucks. Personally, my preferred modes of cardio exercise are walking and running, so two investments that have been invaluable are a good running treadmill and a NikePlus monitor.

Unless you have a gym membership or live in a mild year-round climate, it’s a good idea to consider purchasing some sort of cardio machine. If you have young children at home, it is much easier to fit in some quality exercise if you have access to an elliptical machine or treadmill. If running isn’t your thing, or a big purchase just isn’t feasible right now, go ahead and buy a couple DVDs that you enjoy.

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A NikePlus sensor ($29) works in conjunction with your iPod Nano, iPod Touch, or iPhone. (If you don’t have an iPod, you can buy a NikePlus Sportsband ($60)). This amazing tool tracks mileage, time, and calories burned-and gives feedback throughout your workout-all while you listen to motivating music. It will also upload your info onto Nike.com, which keeps a log of all your runs, and much more. (See http://nikerunning.nike.com/nikeos/p/nikeplus/en_US/).

Another option is the BodyBugg, as seen on The Biggest Loser, which is a machine that logs calories consumed and calories burned throughout your day.

It’s about Your Life
Whatever techniques and tools help motivate you, find them and use them. Your health and well being need to be a priority, so don’t feel guilty for taking the time, and sometimes money, to do it. Believe me, your family will benefit just as much as you do.

And when things get difficult, or you feel like you’ve failed, don’t give up. There are many weight-loss success stories out there and these people all say the same thing, “If I can do it, so can you.” So, slip on your sweats and shoes and make it happen!

