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The Ultimate Guide to First-Time Dog Breeding

Dog Breeding

Your passion for pooches has driven you to the decision to become a breeder. You have chosen your breeding stock and are waiting for just the right time. When exactly is the right time to allow the dog to mate, and what should you expect during this time until your dog is expecting?

Your female will typically begin coming into heat somewhere around six months of age. Of course, this time varies from one dog to another. Approximately six months later a dog will be coming into heat again. A breeder usually decides to wait until the third time the dog comes into heat before breeding. This will be around 1.5 years old when the dog is an adult and ready to mate. Always be advised from your veterinarian before allowing your dogs to mate.

It is essential that your male and female be in the best health possible prior to breeding. You will want to make sure that all vaccinations are up to date. Your vet may recommend a particular diet for the dog. The advice of your vet is always superior to any information you can receive from books or the internet.

The first sign that the dog is coming into season is her vulva will swell. This may be noticeable up to one week before the bleeding begins. On the first day of the cycle, it may be important to call the vet. If you are planning to artificially inseminate the female or will need to take her to the male, this may be very important.

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Other signs that she may be nearing the time to breed is that she will lick herself more frequently. She may be less interested in food. Flagging is a definite sign. Flagging refers to the time when the dog holds her tail off to one side. You may also notice changes in personality or behavior. The dog may begin to hump pups, or other dams.

If you need, your vet will do blood tests on the dam to determine when the dog is most fertile. If you have the male present, he will let you know. The male will regularly check the dam to determine when is the right time.

Around the twelfth day after the bleeding begins, the dam should be ready. She will stand still for the male at this time. Her flow will have slowed and changed to a pink color.

Tie One on

When it is time, supervise the male and female together. During the course of mating, it is common and natural for the two dogs to become stuck together. This is known as a tie.

Each dam reacts differently to a tie. A new dog breeder should be aware that this is when supervision is crucial. A male dog will typically stand and wait until his penis is released from within the female. The female may stand calmly through this period of time, or she may whine and seem in pain. The tie will last approximately 5 to 20 minutes. After ejaculation, the male will lift his leg over the female’s back and typically face in the opposite direction of the female. The two dogs will be butt to butt.

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It is imperative to stay calm. If you overreact and panic, the dogs will follow your lead. Get down in the floor and keep the dogs calm. Talking to your pet and keeping the dogs calm is easiest and safest. A male can be seriously injured during a tie. If the female is larger than the male, he can be flung around by his penis. This experience, for obvious reasons, can cause him to avoid breeding in the future.

Abs cense Makes the Heart Grow Stronger…

Well, I don’t know about the heart, but separating the male and female for at least 24 hours following the tie will allow the male to build up his sperm. Dogs older than four years old will perform better with around 36 hours of separation before attempting another encounter.

If your male has been found to have low sperm counts, you will need to be more involved in timing to encourage fertilization. Your vet can help you with this.

If your dogs have had a few ties, then anticipate puppies to arrive. Even if a couple of successful ties have not occurred, there is the chance that the female is expecting. Consult your vet to be certain of the outcome of the breeding attempts.

I know you will be eagerly awaiting those adorable puppies, but do keep your drooling down.
