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IPod Touch and Nike Plus Review

Calories Burned, Nike Running Shoes, Workout Plan, Workout Plans

If you need a little workout push, some added motivation to get out and walk or run then the Nike + iPod is for you. For my birthday last week I received the iPod Touch, Nike+ and Nike+ running sneakers. After playing with the iPod Touch for a few hours, like a kid with a new toy, I had to try out the Nike + iPod and I am in love. My workouts are now iPod workouts, It’s like running with a personal trainer. The Nike+ also works with the iPod Nano, the main difference is you will need to use the Nike+ transmitter with the iPod Nano.

The iPod Touch second generation is thin and light weight and very easy to work out with. Just slap the Nike+ transmitter into the shoe, the iPod Touch has the receiver built in. Put on your Nike+ sneakers and head out the door for your iPod workout. If you prefer not to use the Nike+ sneakers you can use Velcro to modify your regular running sneakers, there are a few websites that tell you how. As you head out the door turn on your iPod Touch and press the Nike+ app. Use the Nike+ app to start and choose your workout. The iPod Touch lets you chose the type and severity of your workout; do you want to know how many miles you have traveled, calories burned or how long you have been running. The Nike+ also gives you the option to choose a workout goal, such as how long you want to run or walk or how many calories you want to burn. You can also choose an open ended workout where the Nike+ reports your progress with out a predetermined end point fot the iPod workout.

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Once you have chosen the workout, press the workout start button that appears on the screen of your iPod Touch and start moving, your workout has begun, it’s that simple. I chose the calorie update and with in two blocks the iPod touch was speaking to me over the music, about every 10 minutes she gave an update on calories burned and about every third update she included time and distance traveled. You can press the button on the front of the iPod Touch at anytime for an instant progress update. My iPod Touch is set to use a female voice with the Nike+, but you can set the voice to be male. As the workout comes to the end the Nike+ updates turn into encouragement and increase in frequency. During my workout I stopped hearing how many calories I had burned and it turned into how many calories I had left to burn to reach my workout goal.

Anytime during or after the iPod workout you can look at the iPod Touch and see your stats for distance covered, calories burned, total running or walking time and average splits. At the end of the workout you can even see your best mile. The iPod Touch will save your work out history and you can down load it to the www.Nikeplus.com website so you can check anytime by computer or iPod.

Once back home you can downloaded your workout information to the Nikeplus.com website and enter into the world of virtual running. The website allows you to design workout plans, set goals, join challenges and so much more. You can even choose pre-designed workout plans for different goals such as training for a 5k, 10k, half marathon or even a marathon? You can even chose a 12 week workout plan to go from a walker to a runner. If one of the standard workout plans does not fit your needs you always have the option to design your own workout plan.

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If you need a little extra push to get out and run, walk or jog and you are in the market for a cool new toy, then the iPod Touch and Nike + may be just the thing for you.