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How to Lose Weight from the Thighs and Hips?

Joint Disease

Perfectly shaped thighs and hips are admired by every man and desired by every woman. Unfortunately, these are called the “troubled spots” by weight management professional as it gives them most trouble to reduce weight from thighs and hips of their clients.

Why it is difficult to lose weight from thighs and hips?

Thighs and hips are integral part of the personality, particularly for a woman. Loosing fat from thighs and hip makes them lose and misshapen. So, unlike other parts of the body, thighs and hips have to be made firm and muscular along with loosing fat from them. This can be achieved by maintaining a healthy diet and performing regular exercises. Here are some useful quick tips on how to lose weight from thighs and hips. These tips will help you loosing weight from thighs and hips along with overall body fat.

Maintaining healthy diet:

Diet is the most important factor in deciding your overall body build up and the shape of your body. For women, major fraction of the extra fat consumed through diet is deposited in their thighs and hips. So, if you are not maintaining a healthy diet, it will be very difficult to lose weight from these areas.

Avoid consumption of sugar and carbohydrates:

Sugar is a direct energy sources for the body. If sugar is available freely, body will not burn fat to generate energy and the extra fat will be deposited in your thighs and hips. Hence, sugar should be avoided at any cost. Carbohydrates are rich source of sugar and should be kept to minimum in the diet. Extra consumption of fatty and oily food also leads to storage of fat, mainly in the thighs and hips. Avoid taking junk foods, fried food, alcohol, sweets, cakes, soda, breads (whole wheat grain can be consumed) potatoes and cheese. These are rich in fat and carbohydrates. Fulfill your requirement of carbohydrates from the whole grains and fruits; they are also rich in fiber which also helps in digestion.

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Increase the consumption of proteins:

If your goal is to build a firm thighs and hips, you have to increase your muscle mass. Increasing protein rich diet will help you building the muscle mass. Fish, chicken, eggs (avoid egg yolk) and legumes are the rich source of proteins. Please consult your doctor before increasing the protein rich diet if you are suffering from gout (a joint disease).


Proper exercise will provide the desired shape to your body. Once you cut down sugar, carbohydrates and fats from your diet, the already stored fat is used as an energy source from your body. Exercise that gives strains to the thighs and hips will burn down the extra fat from these areas and will increase the muscle mass using the proteins that is consumed through diet. Jogging, running and cycling are the best exercise to tone your thighs and hips. However, do not aim to run 4 km on the first day. Start running for 1 km and slowly increase your running day by day. Lifting the weight through legs is also of great help. Get help of professional trainers before performing any other exercise.