Articles for tag: Bone Spurs, Joint Disease

Karla News

What is a Bone Spur?

What is a bone spur? How do you know you have a bone spur, and can you do something about a bone spur once you discover you have one? Learn what a bone spur is and how you can tell you have one, and most of all, what you can do about it. A bone ...

Whiplash Induced TMJ – Injury Affected Jaw Pain

Millions of drivers, this year, will experience complications associated from an automobile accident. For some, the accident will result in severe head and neck pain, resulting in a complication known as whiplash. As whiplash develops, other health complications, such as temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ) may also present as a complication. Temporomandibular joint disease, TMJ, is ...

Karla News

What Are the Effects of Arthritis?

Listed below are some common forms of arthritis and related conditions: Osteoarthritis, sometimes called degenerative joint disease, resulting when the cushioning cartilage in the joints break down, causing pain and stiffness. It is the most common type of arthritis, usually affecting people after the age of forty-five. Rheumatoid arthritis, is an autoimmune disease that inflames ...

5 Ways to Help Your Dog with Arthritis

Is your dog not getting around as quickly as he used to? Are you noticing that your dog is stiff in the morning? If so, your dog may be suffering from the effects of canine osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. Any dog can experience the effects of osteoarthritis, although it’s more common in ...

Living with Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease is overgrowth of bone and narrowing of the joint space caused by wear and tear of the joint cartilage. The swelling of the joints causes much pain and discomfort. The National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearing house (NAMSIC) reports that almost 20.7 million adults in the United States suffer ...

Canine Hip Dysplasia

Canine Hip Dysplasia is a degenerative joint disease that affects mostly large and giant breeds of dogs. This disease is a result of abnormal hip joint development in adolescent dogs and is genetic. With the correct diagnosis by a veterinarian, the disease and its symptoms are treatable. The symptoms of Canine Hip Dysplasia can present ...

Karla News

How to Lose Weight from the Thighs and Hips?

Perfectly shaped thighs and hips are admired by every man and desired by every woman. Unfortunately, these are called the “troubled spots” by weight management professional as it gives them most trouble to reduce weight from thighs and hips of their clients. Why it is difficult to lose weight from thighs and hips? Thighs and ...