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Homemade Ways to Conceive a Baby Boy

When I was young and idealistic, I wanted to get married and give birth to six sons. I don’t recall my reasoning behind the number or the preferred sex. Six sons would have been three short of a baseball team. And if the popularity of
The Brady Bunch” had anything to do with my dream, then I couldn’t figure out why I wouldn’t want to be a Mom to a cute little Marcia, Jan, or Cindy. There are many personal reasons why couples want to have one sex of a baby over the other. And whatever the reasons, if you have a preference, then you need to know some homemade ways to conceive a baby boy.

Medical science has come up with a sure-fire method of allowing us to determine the sex of our babies. It’s called “Test Tube Conception.” It’s rather an impersonal way to conceive a child. Because, as the name implies, conception takes place in a test tube. But, if you have the desire and the finances to pay for this type of laboratory intervention, then you can be assured of the sex of your baby.

The majority of the population must rely on homemade ways to conceive a baby boy instead. While some of these methods may not be “scientific”, and they seem to be purely “folklore”, others do have some medical merit to them.

For example, it’s been said that, in order to conceive a baby boy, you should have sex during the nighttime hours instead of in the daytime. This is an interesting concept, since, presumably, couples do prefer to “dance in the dark.” And, according to statistics, there are more male babies born than females. For every 100 baby girls born, there are approximately 105 baby boys.

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Other homemade ways to conceive a baby boy include having sex on odd-numbered days of the month, making love while standing up, (but having the woman lie down immediately afterwards), having the woman eat more meat and salty foods, and drinking large quantities of tea and coffee.

Also, if the man is the one who initiates the sex, and he climaxes first during intercourse, then a baby boy is supposed to be conceived.

While most of these homemade ways may sound like pure fiction, a woman’s eating habits prior to conception may actually help determine the sex of her baby. This idea is based on the scientific theory that there are four minerals in a woman’s body. These minerals are sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The amount of each mineral in a woman’s body is thought to affect the fertilization of the egg during intercourse.

Therefore, if you want to conceive a baby boy, you should avoid drinking milk and eating dairy products in order to keep your calcium and magnesium levels lower. Instead, according to this theory, you should enjoy plenty of foods that contain sodium and potassium, such as salty snacks and bananas.

Another homemade way to conceive a baby boy is for the woman to change the chemical environment of her vagina before having sex. This idea is based on the theory that female sperm thrives in acidic environments, while male sperm do better in non-acidic climates. To make the vagina less acidic, right before a woman has sexual intercourse, she should douche with a mixture of water and baking soda. Mix together a pint of water and about a half ounce of the soda thoroughly.

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Naturally, a woman has a fifty/fifty chance of giving birth to a baby boy. But, these homemade ways to conceive a baby boy may actually improve your chances, and swing the pendulum into the favor of having a male child.