Articles for tag: Potassium, Potassium Rich Foods, Table Salt

Karla News

How to Increase Your Potassium Intake

The recent study of data on Potassium and Sodium in our diets showed that having more potassium than sodium reduced the incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. So how can you increase potassium in your diet? It’ simple: cut the salt (that’s common table salt), which is made mostly of sodium, and ...

Healing Anemia Naturally

Anemia is ultimately a lack of hemoglobin – the molecule found in the blood that carries oxygen throughout the different systems of the body and then releases it for cell use. There are many causes of anemia, but the most common, and most treatable is an iron-deficiency. Iron-deficiency is due to a lack of iron, ...

Karla News

3 Easy Ways to Get More Potassium into Your Diet

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the recommended amount of potassium the average adult should eat every day is an incredible 4,700 mg. That’s equal to 11 bananas in a single day! Many experts say that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats will provide plenty of potassium ...

The Four Main Cancers Linked with Belly Fat

Also known as “omentum,” belly fat is more threatening to your health than other types of fat because of where it’s located. By hanging off the center of the colon and covering the intestines inside the abdomen, omentum makes hormones that interrupt your body’s normal chemical functions. As these chemicals are able to feed on ...

Nurse Teaching Plan: Hypokalemia

Nursing Assessment: Hypokalemia is a dangerous electrolyte imbalance that can result in cardiac arrhythmias, flaccid paralysis and rhabdomyolysis (respiratory depression) in some cases. Hypokalemia can be caused by many different medical conditions; however one of the more common causes is excessive loss of potassium, often associated with extensive fluid loss. Excessive fluid loss occurs in ...

Potassium Rich Foods – Not Just Bananas

Potassium is important for proper function of nerve and muscle cells. It is particularly important because it is involved in the function of one of your body’s most important muscles, your heart. Importance of potassium. Potassium is crucial to a number of other bodily functions, as well. It plays a role in blood pressure, bone ...

The Best Potassium Rich Foods

Dietary potassium is an essential nutrient that serves some valuable functions in the body. According to the American Heart Association, potassium is a necessary component in cell function, nerves, and muscle function. It also plays a role in reducing the risk of several medical conditions including high blood pressure, stroke, kidney stones, and osteoporosis. The ...