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Does the Sassy Water Diet Really Work?

Mufa Diet Recipes, Prevention Magazine, Water Diet

The Sassy Water diet was developed by the nutrition director and editors of Prevention magazine as part of their Flat Belly Diet program. This diet is designed to spur weight loss and flush the system of toxins with a four-day jumpstart plan. The first four days involve drinking one full recipe of ‘Sassy Water’, a combination of water, ginger, mint, cucumber and lemon.

According to the makers of the Sassy Water diet, and the Flat Belly Plan, this special water helps prompt the detoxification process and makes it easier to lose up to 15 pounds during the first month of the diet. Does the Sassy Water diet really work? Here’s a close look at the pros and cons of this unique diet program:

Principles of the Sassy Water Diet
Sassy Water is designed to be consumed only during the first four days of the Flat Belly Plan. The Flat Belly Diet is promoted by Prevention magazine, and involves eating just 1600 calories per day with a focus on whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. This diet is unique because it involves eating at least one serving of monounsaturated fat at each meal; this can be in the form of dark chocolate, avocado, nuts and seeds. Meals are eaten ever four hours to ensure optimal digestion and keep energy levels steady.

The Sassy Water mixture contains ingredients that improve digestion and may help curb the appetite. You need to drink an entire recipe (about 8 to 10 cups) of Sassy Water each day of the four-day jumpstart plan.

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The editors of Prevention magazine say Sassy Water is the key ingredient to the Flat Belly Diet, and consuming the extra fluids will help prevent bloating and constipation.

Effects of the Sassy Water Diet
Drinking Sassy Water and consuming only low-calorie, water-based foods for four days straight will cause significant changes in the body. By suddenly eliminating carbohydrates, red meat, sugars and caffeine from your daily menu, your body will stop retaining water. You can expect to lose a few pounds of water weight during this time, but you might also start to feel weaker, lightheaded or nauseous.

According to the YouthHealthNE authors at spunout.ie, crash diets can put stress on your body, affect your emotional well-being and make it difficult to concentrate. You could be setting yourself up for low reaction times, memory problems and anxiety as your body begins to go into starvation mode with the low-calorie diet plan.

Who the Sassy Water Diet is Good For
Despite the potential side effects of the Sassy Water diet plan, there are some benefits to this detoxification process. The extra water consumed each day can be a great way to rehydrate and eliminate toxins for a few days, and may help you get on the right track for eating healthier. However, you can’t expect to lose weight for long; any weight lost from the Sassy Water diet will likely be regained as you start to consume ‘real’ food. The body may start retaining water the moment you reintroduce carbs and sugars back into the diet.

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The Sassy Water diet may be a good plan for people who don’t want to lose weight, but just want to ‘cleanse’ their system. The ginger, cucumber and lemon in the water recipe can improve digestion and make it easier to stick with a carb-free, sugar-free diet for a few days because it reduces cravings.

You can find the Sassy Water diet recipe here.
