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Common Complaints and Home Remedies of Pregnancy

Expecting Moms, Home Remedies, Pregnancy Exercises, Pregnant Women

As joyful as being pregnant can be for a woman there are obvious complaints that go along with the thrills of growing a human inside your body. The common complaints of pregnancy happen because a woman’s body stretches to accommodate the growing fetus, changes to support the pregnancy and increases in girth as the pregnancy advances. All of the stretching, changing and increasing that leads to the common complaints of pregnancy. Thankfully over the years women have found relief from these common complaints of pregnancy by using home remedies.

We should first discuss what the most common complaints of pregnancy are before we get into the home remedies for these complaints of pregnancy. The first few common complaints of pregnancy usually occur at the time the woman is discovering that she is pregnant and include extreme fatigue, frequent urination and nipple soreness. As the pregnancy becomes established and the placenta is functioning the woman will experience common complaints of pregnancy associated with an increase in hormone levels. These complaints can include increase in headaches, nausea and vomiting, uterine cramping, changes in bowel habits, dizziness and an occasional experience of rapid heartbeat. As the pregnancy advances and the abdomen expanding to accommodate the growing fetus the complaints of pregnancy typically stem from the increased weight, and girth of the abdomen.

The pregnant women in her last trimester of pregnancy experiences ankle and feet that swell, difficulty sleeping due to not being able to find a comfortable position, increased indigestion and heartburn

Not all pregnant women will experience the same symptoms and may not even experience similar symptoms from one pregnancy to the next but the above mentioned complaints of pregnancy are those that are more commonly reported to those caring for women during pregnancy.

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There are many physical changes that happen during pregnancy that initiates some of the common complaints of pregnancy that include skin, eye, respiratory, and hair changes. These changes can lead to problems with acne, dry eyes, shortness of breath and increased hair loss that is replaced by new hair growth.

Home remedies are beneficial for pregnant women to turn to in order to ease the discomforts of being pregnant because they do not expose the pregnancy to drugs that may be harmful to the developing fetus.

Pregnant women can find relief from most of these common complaints of pregnancy by following these home remedies:

Eating smaller more frequent meals throughout the day instead of sticking to 3 larger meals helps to avoid nausea by making sure that the stomach is never empty for long periods of time. Low blood sugar can aggravate nausea in pregnant women so having food throughout the day helps to avoid low blood glucose from occurring. Pregnant women should keep a food journal making note of any foods that have odors that lead to nausea and then avoid those foods. Drinking beverages that are carbonated but do not contain caffeine also helps to avoid the occurrence of nausea. Ginger tea is an excellent home remedy for nausea. If you do experience vomiting putting honey in your tea can help soothe an irritated throat. Foods or candy containing ginger can also be used to relieve nausea.

It is important for pregnant women to learn to relax so do things that bring a sense of calm such as putting a few drops of lavender oil into your bath water in early and mid-pregnancy. It is usually not advisable to take baths in later pregnancy due to the increased girth of the abdomen making it more difficult to get out of the tub. Light exercise throughout pregnancy unless a healthcare provider says otherwise helps to avoid fatigue, stimulates appetite and aids in digestion.

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You can find these and other home remedies in Home Remedies for Pregnancy an article found on the morphemeremedies.com website.

Although there are common complaints of pregnancy women experience that may mar the joyfulness of pregnancy there is relief that can be found in home remedies that are safe to use during pregnancy.


Home Remedies for Pregnancy Retrieved from MorphemeRemedies http://www.morphemeremedies.com/homeremedies_pregnancy.htm