Articles for tag: Chronic Headache Pain, Headache Relief, Home Remedies for Headaches

Headache Relief for Pregnant Women

Headaches often us leaving us feeling stressed and feeling underneath the weather. The pounding of the headache can be disturbing to our lifestyles. As a pregnant woman myself it can be tough not to risk taking asprin when a headache comes about. For pregnant women in order to take any type of medication we need ...

Karla News

5 Simple Home Remedies for Headaches

Your head is killing you because of a headache. You try and figure out what may have caused it, but to no avail. Haven’t we all gone through the same scenario: get a headache, and while our head is pounding we try and figure out what may have caused it in the first place. If ...

Karla News

20 Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

Headaches are the bane of our stressed out, OCD, overdrive lifestyles. The causes of headaches are varied: tension, sinus, migraine, allergy, PMS, hangover, lack of caffeine, hunger, tiredness, eye strain. Here are some natural headache remedies. You may need to try a combination of remedies. Eye exam: Many times, recurrent headache are caused by eye ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

A “Migraine Headache” is basically an intense, throbbing pain in one, or both sides, of a person’s head. During a headache of this type, the sufferer is over sensitive to light and sound. He or she will often experience nausea, and maybe even vomiting. Even though this type of headache is caused by a neurological ...

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever: Best Cure for a Headache

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever is the only over-the-counter product that cures my headaches. I don’t get migraines, but I often get headaches due to eye strain, stress, and other lifestyle factors. I’ve tried everything else on the market, and Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever works like no other product. It’s inexpensive and readily available ...

Karla News

7 Natural Headache Remedies

At the onset of the painful pulsing, pressure, or tension, it is easy to run over to the medicine cabinet and swallow a few pain reliever pills. But what about natural headache remedies? Here are 7 ways to naturally relieve or even prevent headache pain. Natural Headache Remedy #1: Water As soon are you feel ...

Rebound Headaches: The Road to Recovery

Are you suffering from rebound headaches? You might be, without even knowing it. There was a time when headaches were just a normal part of my life. I had one at least five days a week. The headaches weren’t severe, but they were definitely painful. Luckily, I could manage my headaches pretty well with over ...

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Headaches

It is estimated that 55 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches, I will admit that I am one of these 55 million. It is said that most headaches are warning signs that there is a problem somewhere else in the body and doesn’t really change anything in the brain. Sometimes when you suffer from these ...