Articles for tag: Headache Home Remedy, Headache Remedy, Home Remedies for Headaches

Karla News

5 Simple Home Remedies for Headaches

Your head is killing you because of a headache. You try and figure out what may have caused it, but to no avail. Haven’t we all gone through the same scenario: get a headache, and while our head is pounding we try and figure out what may have caused it in the first place. If ...

Migraine Tips and Tricks

Migraine headaches can be a debilitating illness. The headaches are often severely painful and can last for several days. With this kind of pain, migraine headaches can often affect every day life. Some people lose their jobs because they’re unable to work some days due to the headaches. Since this can be such an issue, ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

A “Migraine Headache” is basically an intense, throbbing pain in one, or both sides, of a person’s head. During a headache of this type, the sufferer is over sensitive to light and sound. He or she will often experience nausea, and maybe even vomiting. Even though this type of headache is caused by a neurological ...

Karla News

Cephalalgia, Symptoms of Head Pain

Cephalalgia is a medical term referring to aching in the head or headaches. Headaches can accompany many disorders including meningitis, brain tumors, sinusitis and increased intracranial pressure. Whenever a person has a headache that is brief and easily resolved with rest and possibly OTC medications, the headache is considered benign and transient. As well as ...

Is that a Sinus Headache…or Is it Really a Migraine?

Did you know that only one out of every thirty people that claim to be suffering from a sinus headache actually are? Surprisingly, those other twenty-nine are actually suffering from a migraine. As a migraine sufferer, I spent many years of my life being told by my parents and school nurses that my headaches were ...