Articles for tag: Baby Swimwear, Maternity Clothing, Maternity Tops, Pregnancy Exercises

Maternity Tops for Fall 2009

While Fall means cooler weather, shorter days and dropping leaves, pregnant women should still feel as good about their fashion as they did during the bright summer months. Wearing fashionable, affordable and chic maternity wear goes a long way in helping a woman to embrace her ever changing body and celebrate the impending life she’s ...

Karla News

Common Complaints and Home Remedies of Pregnancy

As joyful as being pregnant can be for a woman there are obvious complaints that go along with the thrills of growing a human inside your body. The common complaints of pregnancy happen because a woman’s body stretches to accommodate the growing fetus, changes to support the pregnancy and increases in girth as the pregnancy ...

Karla News

The Best Exercises for a Pregnant Woman

Once you find out your pregnant you want to maintain good health for you and your growing baby. However, some woman do find many questions arising on which exercises are the best for them. I know when I was pregnant with both my children I wanted to keep a good exercise routine in tact, but ...

Karla News

Top 10 Pregnancy Exercise Videos

Pregnancy exercise videos are a great way to stay healthy and get in shape while pregnant. Some doctors may suggest their own recommended pregnancy exercises while others will suggest you follow a pregnancy exercise routine such as an exercise video. But how do you choose a pregnancy exercise video and where can you find them? ...