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Common Ailments of the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Frequent Urination, Panty Liner, Swollen Feet, Third Trimester

Late pregnancy is a time of excitement and hope. It’s also the time when the growing baby causes some common issues that may be a surprise to first time mothers. Have you encountered any of these third trimester ailments?

Out of Breath

Even fit moms may find that the third trimester leaves them huffing and puffing when they climb a flight of stairs. The baby takes up more room in the abdominal cavity, leaving little room for the lungs to expand.

Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is nothing new by the third trimester. Most pregnant women have been dealing with that since they first got a positive pregnancy test. During the first trimester, hormones increased the rate of urination. Now, the baby takes up room that used to belong to the bladder. Mothers will find their bladder capacity is limited. Many will wake up three or more times a night to urinate. Occasionally, the baby will bounce on the bladder, causing spontaneous urination. This is a particularly unpleasant surprise for first time mothers. The best line of defense is to wear a panty liner during the third trimester.


Hormones and the growing baby crowding the intestines can slow things down during the third trimester. Keep things moving by drinking prune juice, getting daily exercise and drinking plenty of fluids.


Again, the growing baby squeezes into the space that used to be occupied by your internal organs. This includes your stomach, which gets pushed up. In addition to feeling full quickly, heartburn often makes an appearance in the third trimester, if not before. Frequent small meals will help keep heartburn at bay. Taking an antacid, like Tums, can help as well. Check with your doctor before taking any medicine during pregnancy.

See also  5 Major Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Swollen Feet

All of a sudden, your shoes don’t fit. The extra weight and the extra fluid in your body usually lead to swollen feet during the third trimester of pregnancy. Buy one or two comfortable pairs of shoes in a wider size to get through the last couple of months. Most likely, you will be back in your normal shoes soon after the birth of your baby.


Hunger, more intense than you have ever known before, can take over during the third trimester. You may find yourself thinking about food often. Your body needs about 300 extra calories a day to support the developing baby. Couple this with the smaller capacity of your stomach and you will find that you are hungry much of the time. Small meals will fill your stomach quickly, but will leave you feeling hungry soon after. To prevent excess weight gain, snack on healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables.

Late pregnancy is a time of excitement, fatigue and impatience. Don’t let these third trimester ailments catch you off guard. Be prepared and sail through the third trimester with ease.

For more information about late pregnancy complains, read Late Pregnancy Complaints: Constipation and Heartburn.