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Cheap Ways to Improve the Look of Your Yard: Inexpensive Yard Decor You Can Make Yourself

Cheap Flowers

The average Joe doesn’t have thousands of dollars to spend on his yard so don’t worry if you’re just an average Joe. There’s plenty you can do to fix your yard up in a hurry – without spending much money. Before you start adding things to the yard, though, make sure the lawn is perfectly manicured. Nothing makes a yard look better than the removal of all weeds or trash, and the mowing of the lawn. If you have a fence around your yard it’s commonplace to find leaves, twigs – even trash – gathered along the bottom perimeter. Wind blows, sending debris to your yard, so be sure you’ve manicured the lawn before proceeding with new projects.

One easy project you can do is making stepping stones. They’re easy to make with a bag of quick-setting concrete and some forms in which to pour the mix. Don’t think you have to pay for forms; you likely already have plenty of them at home. Old pizza pans, shallow bowls – even cardboard boxes – make great forms. Before pouring the concrete, line the form, if you wish, with marbles or other novelties. When the stones are turned out, after drying, the marbles or other objects will be on top of the stone. Spray the form with non-stick cooking spray and the stone will come out with ease, after drying. The stepping stones are great for the garden, from the back door to the garage, or other areas of the yard

Build a birdbath for the front or back yard. There are several different ways to make a unique and inexpensive birdbath using common, everyday items. Large bowls from a dollar theme store can be used to make a birdbath unlike any you’ve ever seen. The bowls can be any material except glass, and should be the type that is large at the top and smaller towards the bottom.

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Stack the bowls on top of each other, upside-down. After turning the first bowl upside-down, place a rock on the bowl, then place the next bowl, upside-down. The rock will weight the bowl so the stand doesn’t blow away in rough winds. Continue adding rock and bowl until the stand is as tall as you’d like it to be. Use the last bowl to make the bath itself. Set the last bowl right side up, and secure. If you want, you can use a large platter on top of the base, before placing the last bowl. This will give birds a place to sit and will make the birdbath look even more unique. Use an adhesive appropriate for the type of bowls you’re using to hold the last bowl in place. If you’re unsure of the proper adhesive, ask an assistant at any home improvement store to help you select the perfect glue. Draw a circle – or another shape – around the birdbath and plant inexpensive, colorful flowers and plants. The total arrangement can be done for under twenty bucks.

Planting cheap flowers and plants will give you an opportunity to have your hard look great, without the expense. If you know someone that has wooded land, ask permission to select a few seedlings to plant in your own yard. Look under any tree and you’ll see smaller versions of the tree growing nearby. These can easily be transferred to your own property in the spring and summer months.

Purchase gardening timbers in long lengths and use them to outline flower gardens in front of the house. Use the sectioned areas to plant shrubs or flowers. Wild flower packets are very inexpensive and will give your house a burst of color and nature. Place the beams, one high, around the front of the house, or stack them two to three beams high and make raised gardens. There are many species of plants that travel or grow quickly and are inexpensive.

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Pour a concrete slab on which to set an outdoor table and chairs or picnic table. Dig a rectangle, square or other shape in the ground, a few inches deep. Line the inside of the shape with two-by-fours. Pour the concrete or cement mix and allow to set.

Fill plastic pots with rocks and dirt, then add plants. Set the large pots in the yard, grouped together, or around on the deck, porch or sides of steps. Flowers and plants are an inexpensive way to add to the appeal of your home.

Make a bench with logs and wood. Cut or find two log pieces that are very flat on each end, and are the same size. Place the logs in the yard, a couple feet apart. Put a wooden slab across the two logs, nail or screw in place, and you’ll have a cute rustic bench that’s quick and easy.

Make a quick hammock for the backyard. Add grommets to both the top and bottom of a sheet. Fold the bottom of the sheet over once to double the fabric, before adding the grommets. Thread roping through the grommets and tie the roping to nearby trees. The quick hammock is comfy and can be easily laundered.

Purchase bags of landscaping pebbles or rocks. Pour these around trees or in sectioned areas where bushes will be planted. The rocks can also be collected, if you have permission, from along woods and other outdoor areas. The rocks give an instantly different look to your yard and lend towards a more manicured look.

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There’s lots of great ways to make your yard look more beautiful, without spending a lot of money. Check local discount department stores and home improvement stores for cheap prices on flower seeds and other items that can instantly improve the look of your yard. You’ll be surprised at how cheap most of these projects really are.
