Articles for tag: Lava Rocks, Rock Collecting, Toads, Tree Frogs

Karla News

Creating a Vivarium for Frogs or Toads

Fire bellied toads, green tree frogs and white’s tree frogs can be house in the same manner, using a vivarium. My sons are into 4-H and have been doing a wide variety of projects not only with nature and science but with pets. With their help, we created this small twenty gallon vivarium for frogs ...

Karla News

Free Toddler Games and Activities: Outdoor Rock Gardening

One free activity that parents can do with their toddlers is to create a small and fun home garden that is a rock garden. The joy of this toddler game is that it can be done anytime, and invites toddler interaction, creativity, and play. It combines an appreciation for the outdoors with exercise, and with ...

Karla News

The Tellus Museum in Cartersville, Georgia

Tellus is the name of the Roman goddess of the Earth. It is also the name of the Tellus Northwest Georgia Science Museum in Cartersville, GA. The Tellus Museum has many of the earth sciences such as gems and minerals, fossils, paleontology and astronomy. The museum is an expansion of what once was the Weinman ...