Categories: Fitness & Exercise

A Slim Girl’s Weekly Total Body Fitness Routine

After a while a regular fitness routine takes no extra motivation to maintain. It becomes an addiction of sort, muscles yearn to be used in full capacity. With combined research and trial I developed an addiction worthy fitness routine. Yielding exceptional results as I stay thin yet toned and strong, energetic and graced with overall wellness.

The days are consistent with a trip to the gym Monday and Tuesday, resting Wednesday, then working out again on Thursday and Friday. Weekends are active typically involving hiking and yoga for supplemental activity in an enjoyable fashion.

Cardio Warm-up
Each workout session at the gym starts with at least 10 minutes on the Nordic tack, which is a treadmill with a higher incline. I start with the incline at 10 with a speed increasing until reaching a fast walking pace of 3.7 mph. I raise the incline up to 30 for one to two minute intervals then back down to 15.

Strength Training Rotation
Following the cardio warm-up is 30 to 45 minutes of strength training. I alternate working muscle groups in the upper and lower body. This allows time for muscle recovery the following day. Abs and core strength training can be done every day at the gym provided muscles are not sore from overworking. To keep the routine fresh I am always searching for new ideas. Magazines such as Fitness and Shape offer exercises to alternate into my schedule. YouTube is another resource for endless ideas.

Upper Body Workout
The upper body workout starts with a set of 10-15 push-ups to warm up multiple muscles in the arms, chest and back. Followed by free weights or weight machines. When lifting weights pyramid sets work best. Starting with a set of 12 reps, followed by a set of 10, then a goal of 8 or until muscles reach fatigue and can not lift anymore. When muscles get tired it is time to work on core strength. The fit ball is a versatile tool for building core strength and maintaining a flat stomach. After two or three sets working the abs, arm muscles have rested enough to start another set.

Lower Body Workout
The following day a lower body workout begins on the Nordic track. The 10 minute time is increased to 15 minutes. The leg routine rotates between targeting the butt and the calf muscles. The entire leg gets worked in the process. Targeting the butt involves 3 sets of lunges, 12 per set, while holding 15 pound hand weights. With a brief rest up to one minute between each set. Then a walk to the stair master machine for 5 minutes of stair climbing.

Targeting the calves involves the calf or leg press. Super Sliders are one of my favorite ways to tone legs without building bulky muscles. They were invented to move furniture and have since become a popular workout tool. Super Sliders are even said to be used by Victoria’s Secret models. Which is encouraging because Victoria’s Secret models are my fitness role models. I am happy to say the fitness routine outlined here has brought me very close to their physique.

Cool Down and Stretching
Ending each workout is consistent with 5 minutes on the Nordic track on elliptical machine. A moderate to fast pace is maintained until the final minute. Then slowing the pace before gradually stopping, allowing the heart rate to safely decline. I complete each workout with 10 to 15 minutes of stretching. Stretching every part of the body while including a few yoga moves with deep breathing. The end feeling is sense of incredible calm.

Important Diet Tips
I eat a protein rich meal within 2 hours before or 30 minutes after each workout. Because muscles need something to rebuild with. This time frame is essential to assure benefit from the effort exerted. Often Nitro Fusion, a vegan multi-source protein powder is supplemented. My diet consists of whole foods, only eating processed foods on rare occasions. While staying hydrated with plenty of purified water regularly. Important supplements for building muscles are; B vitamins, Zinc, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

This routine keeps my metabolism fast and my body slim, strong and healthy. It can do the same for anyone seeking the results listed above. The important factor is maintaining a schedule while remaining excited to try new things when it comes to fitness.


Karla News

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