Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Determining Causes and Seriousness of Belly Button Pain

Anytime you have pain it can be scary. When you have belly button pain it can be especially scary because it can be hard to pinpoint the exact cause of it. It is important to find out the cause of your belly button pain, because it can vary from very simple things to more serious problems.

When I started having belly button pain I was worried. I thought about all of the possible causes, and I hoped it was something simple. At first I tried to ignore the pain. I hate going to the doctor and I was hoping that the pain would go away on its own. Since the pain wasn’t going away I finally decided I needed to see a doctor. When I went to the doctor she did a a test on a urine sample and found that my cause of belly button pain was cystitis. Cystitis is a type of urinary tract infection. Cystitis is very common and usually a very minor problem. Even though this is a minor problem it was a good thing that I went in and saw my doctor because without treatment urinary tract infections can spread to your kidneys and cause more major problems. Urinary tract infections are very common in women, and some women are more susceptible to them. My doctor prescribed me antibiotics, and I noticed an improvement within the first couple days. I was glad I went in to my doctor. I often dread going into the doctor, but it is often important. A simple infection like this if not treated can become much more severe if not treated.

Sometimes as in my case belly button pain can be a minor problem. The simplest cause of belly button pain is overeating, you experience it after having a big meal or a certain food that doesn’t set well in your stomach. Some of the other possible minor problems associated with belly button pain are hernias or viral or bacterial infections or even a urinary tract infection like I had. While some of those things sounds scary they are all easily treatable. For mild pain from gas or from over eating drinking small amounts of water or eating bland foods such as crackers or bananas or dry toast can often help.

Some of the more severe causes of belly button pain can be a small intestine disorder, an appendicitis, pancreas or gull bladder problems and Crohn’s disease. When you have severe belly button pain you need to see a doctor to find out what the cause is. You don’t need to panic because often the pain is caused by something minor but you want to be sure to see a doctor so you know for sure. If your pain worsens, you also have a fever or you are unable to eat because of the pain you should always call your doctor. Remember that it’s not only the severity of the pain that determines how serious it is. Often something as simple as gas can cause very severe belly button pains while more serious problems such as an appendicitis can often cause little pain at first. Only a doctor will be able to tell you your exact cause of pain and let you know what treatment opinions are available.

Karla News

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